Creditor Payment Selections - Bulk Selection tab

Use the Bulk Selection tab to select all invoices due for payment within a certain period and mark them for payment.
After selecting all invoices you can individually choose not to pay one or more invoices. See the Creditor Payment Selections - Manual Selection tab.

 Opening the Bulk Selection tab

To open the Bulk Selection tab:

  1. Select Module > Creditors > Payment Selection.
    The Creditor Payment Selections - Bulk Selection tab is displayed.

    Tip: You can also access the Creditor Payment Selections window by clicking .

Creditor Payment Selections - Bulk Selection tab key fields



Bank Account

Filter creditors by the invoice of the same bank account.

Pay From

Starting invoice date of range to select payments for.

Pay To

Ending invoice date of range to select payments for.

Name From

Starting creditor name of range to select payments for.

Name To

Ending creditor name of range to select payments for.

Selecting multiple invoices for payment

To select multiple invoices for payment:

  1. In the Details area, select the date range to mark for payment.
  2. Click Go.
    All invoices due for payment in the selected date range are marked for payment in the next cheque or EFT run.

    Invoices may be excluded if they were issued from a bank account not selected in the Bank Account field. This depends on your banking configuration. See Banking Configuration Maintenance - General tab in the Finance manual.

  3. Click .
    The Bulk Selection tab is closed.

    Note: You can remove individual invoices from the selection using the Manual Selections tab. See Creditor Payment Selections - Manual Selection tab.

Clearing bulk payment selections

To clear bulk payment selections:

Note: You can only clear your selection if the cheque or EFT run has not been completed.

  1. In the Details area, clear the information in the date fields.

    Tip: Click into each date field and press Delete.

  2. Click Go.
    A confirmation screen is displayed.
  3. Click .
    The Bulk Selection tab is closed.