Synergetic Suite v71.56
Release Date | Mar 6, 2025 at 7:00 pm AEST |
Release Status | Released |
Issues | 6 items |
Summary | We are pleased to announce that Version 71.56 of the Synergetic suite of products is available now. The changes in this release includes improvements* and bug fixes. *Please note that most releases are likely to include security enhancements that are not explicitly mentioned. This is to avoid exposing details of vulnerabilities for schools on earlier releases. We recommend upgrading as frequently as practicable. |
Issue Type | Issue key | Summary | Component | Module/Program | Comment | Service Desk Reference Number(s) |
Bug | DSY-26346 | Payslip email customisation not working if not using hidden delimiter in the payslip | SynMain | Payroll | If you are running Synergetic payslips and are configured to not use the hidden delimiter, then the new payslip customisable fields are completely ignored when processing payslips. This issue has now been fixed. | 00290607, PRB-00004330 |
Bug | DSY-25696 | Inconsistency in SynWeb HR menu visibility and submenu existence | SynWeb | Human Resources | Fix the issue in SynWeb where HR main menu can be displayed without submenu item under certain permission setup. | 00278157, PRB-00004358 |
Bug | DSY-26298 | luStripeSurcharges lookup table does not record ModifiedDate and ModifiedUser | SynMain | Stripe | The user that modifies records in luStripeSurcharges, and luStripeSurchargesDetails is now recorded with the time they modified the records. History is now also kept. |
Improvement | DSY-26267 | Level 3 Online Payment options to be sorted by sort order in Community Portal | SynComPort, SynMain | Community Portal | Fix issue where Payment items in Community Portal were not displayed in the order as set up in Online Payments Maintenance in SynMain. | 00290126, PRB-00004116 |
Bug | DSY-26339 | Changing the invoice date does not update the journal date when modifying a creditor invoice | SynMain | Creditors - Creditors invoice entry | An issue existed in creditor invoice entry when your system was configured to use detailed control journals (eg the journal date matches the invoice date). If you opened an existing invoice and changed the date (without making any changes to the invoice amount) then the journals would remain as the original invoice date. | 00291033, PRB-00004339 |
Improvement | DSY-26323 | FutureStudent POST API to create spouse link for guardians | CoreAPI | Third Party Integrations | Change based on feedback from EnrolHQ beta testing |