07.04 Full File Replacement

Once a Pay Event file has been submitted to the ATO it can no longer be cancelled.  As an alternative the full file can be replaced using the full file replacement process.

From the ATO BIG

A full file replacement provides the ability for an employer to replace the latest pay event file that was sent to the ATO in error or contains significant corrupt data.
     1. For each BMS a full file replacement may only be used to replace the latest pay event which can either be for a regular pay cycle or an out of cycle payment.
     2. The full file replacement must contain the submission ID of the pay event to be replaced.
     3. A full file replacement cannot be submitted if any employee information submitted in the original pay event file has been changed by a subsequent pay or update event.
     4. An update event cannot be replaced.

Full file replacement is initiated from Process STP via the Send Replacement Submission button.

Finalise Payroll returns to start of the process.

Make the changes to the data to fix any issue that caused the need for a replacement file. Then run through Finalise Process.


  • that the Process STP screen clearly indicates replacement file.
  • that a full file replacement contains the full file replacement indicator.
  • when you enter the Process STP screen the file is already generated
  • The Submission ID number is the same as the Submission ID of the file being replaced

Run through the Process STP steps to completion as per any other submission.