07 Process STP

07 Process STP

This page covers standard STP Event processing.

Also see:

Process STP is a step based wizard that takes you through STP file preparation and submission to ATO.

And as required:

Process STP is a sub process of the following 3 processes:

  • Finalise Payroll Process, 
  • STP Maintenance Process
  • Generate New Update Event Process

Each of these has their own path to navigate to the Process STP screen.

These are:

  • Payroll > Finalise Payroll Process, 

  • Payroll > STP Maintenance Process > Process STP (The STP Event must already exist)

  • Payroll > STP Maintenance Process > Generate New Update Event > Process STP Update Event

Once at Process STP the Process STP steps are similar for each parent process.

Process STP is made up of a number of sub-steps to create and upload the STP Event.

Generate STP FIle – This will generate the STP Event - Pay Event or Update Event dependent upon the path taken to arrive at Process STP and run the Event through error checking and display any error that will block the submission of the Event to the ATO.  If errors are displayed, correct the errors in the data and then regenerate the file.  Once no errors are found, proceed to the next step: View STP File.

View STP File loads the STP Event into the viewer on the right hand side of the panel.  Navigation buttons such as Expand, Collapse, Show Pay Details and Search functionality are available.  There are also Export and Report buttons.  The report provides the Event contents in a formatted report output style.

Once the Event is generated it then needs to be submitted to the ATO. This is done via the Approve and Submit STP File button.  This button is automatically activated upon Viewing the STP File.  Ticking the declaration tick box and then clicking on the Send Event to Tax Office button submits the file ...

Confirmation is required

The Event is sent to the ATO via a Sending Service Provider (ozedi) and  the screen displays the submission status.

Once the ATO has sent an acknowledgement message, the status changes to STP Complete with ATO Approved.

Process STP is complete.