04.03 Payroll Employee Maintenance > Declarations tab

04.03 Payroll Employee Maintenance > Declarations tab

Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance > Declarations tab

New screen to capture employee Tax or Withholding declaration, this information is then submitted to the ATO as the employee declaration via STP.

  • TFN Declarations are sent as a TFN declaration in the next STP event for the employee if it has been marked as 'Ready to Send'. This sends all the fields that appear on the TFN as well as the declaration details.
  • Withholding declarations are not required to be sent through STP.  If you mark a withholding declaration as 'Ready to Send' it will send the fields that overlap with those on the TFN declaration (i.e it won't send Tax Offset Amount or Senior Tax Offset Claimed.)  It also won't send the declaration details.  Where the declaration details are sent the ATO assumes that it is a new TFN.  Where the declaration details are not sent the ATO assumes that the withholding details for that have been updated but not through a new TFN.

Screen records history of declarations via the rows in the grid.

TFN Declaration

WIthholding Declaration

Payroll Employee Maintenance - Declarations tab Fields


  • Depending on what is selected in Declaration Type different form fields are shown
  • You can't Delete a Tax Declaration that has been "Sent by STP"
  • The Tax File Number field has the same validation logic applied that the General tab TFN field has.
  • For a TFN Declaration or a Withholding Declaration, the TFN Status determines what is populated in the TFN field

Details area (Tax Declaration)





Declaration Type

Specify if the Declaration is for a Tax Declaration or a WIthholding declaration.

Tax Scale

Tax scale that applies for the employee based on information supplied by the employee upon the commencement of their employment.

User is asked to nominate if the employee record is to be updated when a new Declaration row is inserted into the grid.

Employment Status

Record the Employment status of the employee eg Full Time; Part Time; Casual.

User is asked to nominate if the employee record is to be updated when a new Declaration row is inserted into the grid.

TFN Status

For a TFN Declaration or a Witholding Declaration, the TFN Status determines what is populated in the TFN field:

  • No TFN Supplied: 000000000
  • TFN Applied for: 111111111 
  • TFN Applied for: (but not supplied in 28 days) 000000000
  • Under 18 Exemption: 33333333
  • Pension Exemption: 444444444 
  • Invalid TFN: 987654321 (e.g. contains alpha characters, too long)

Tax File Number

Employee TFN or Special TFN

User is asked to nominate if the employee record is to be updated when a new Declaration row is inserted into the grid.

Payment Basis

The basis under which the employee is employed, eg Full Time, Casual etc

Tax Residential Status

A code which identifies the residency status of an individual, for tax purposes.

Valid values are:

  • Resident
  • Non-Resident
  • Working Holiday Maker
Tax Free Threshold Claimed

The tax-free threshold is the amount of income that can be earned each year that is not taxed (this threshold can vary each year). It is available only to people who are Australian residents for tax purposes.

If this rebate has been claimed this field must be set to True, otherwise this field must be set to False.


Indicates whether an individual has a study or training loan to determine whether additional withholding should be made from a payment to cover the compulsory repayments for these loans.  

If an individual has either a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loan, Student Start-up Loan (SSL), ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL) or Trade Support Loan (TSL) the indicator must be set to True. Otherwise the field must be set to False.

User is asked if System should update the General tab version of this data upon entering or editing this data here.

Financial Supplement Debt

This indicates if a payee has an existing Financial Supplement debt.

Where a student scheme debt is notified this field must be set to True, otherwise the field must be set to False.

Note: The Student Financial Supplement Scheme closed on 31 December 2003 and no new loans are being issued.

Declaration Signed by Employee

Flag to indicate the employee has signed the declaration.

Declaration DateThis is the date the empopyee signed the declaration.
Submission Status

STP Status which can be set to (Not Sent, Ready to Send, Sent by STP, Sent). These are selectable by a user except "Sent by STP' which will be automatically set when the declaration details are sent in an STP Payroll Event.

Until the declaration is "Ready to Send" the form can be updated.  Once the form is "Sent by STP" the fields become read only.

Details area (WIthholding Declaration)

These are the employee’s answers to the withholding questions that also appear on the TFN declaration. An employer uses these details to calculate the withholding rate.

For a Withholding Declaration, there are two additional fields



Tax Offset AmountEstimated total tax offset amount claimed by employee on the Withholding declaration form.
Senior Tax Offset Claimed

Type of seniors and pensioners tax offset entitlement claimed by the payee on the Withholding declaration form.