Medical Maintenance - Medication tab

Use the Medication tab to maintain details of medications used at your organisation including:

  • general details of the medication
  • details of the medical condition treated by the medication
  • dosage details including the amount and frequency of the dose
  • how the medication is administered
  • whether your school has been authorised to administer the medication
  • refill information.

 Opening the Medication tab

To open the Medication tab:

  1. Select Students > Medical Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Incidents tab of Medical Maintenance is displayed.
  2. Click the Medication tab.
    The Medication tab of the Medical Maintenance window is displayed.

Medical Maintenance - Medication tab key fields and buttons

Medications fields




Name of the medication.

Note: You can maintain medications using the luMedication lookup table. See the luMedication lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Ongoing ConditionWhether the medication is administered for an ongoing medical condition.
Treatment ForMedical condition the medication is used to treat.

Dosage Frequency

Dosage frequency of the medication.

Note: You can maintain dosage frequencies using the luMedicationFrequency lookup table. See luMedicationFrequency lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

DosageDosage details of the medication.

Reason the medication is administered. For example, Relief.

Note: You can maintain medication administration reasons using the luMedicationType lookup table. See the luMedicationType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Administration Method

Type of administration method for the medication. For example, injection.

Note: You can maintain administration methods using the luMedicationAdministration lookup table. See the luMedicationAdministration lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Authorised to DispenseWhether permission to dispense the medication has been received from the student's parents.
Authorised ByCommunity member that authorised the medication to be administered.
Managed by SchoolWhether the medication is administered by the school.
Storage Location

Storage location of the medication. For example, Carries on person.

Note: You can maintain medication storage locations using the luMedicalLocation lookup table. See luMedicalLocation lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Medication Status

Status of the medication. For example, Taken Home.

Note: You can maintain medication statuses using the luMedicationStatus lookup table. See luMedicationStatus lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Medication ExpiryExpiry date of the medication.
Batch Number

Batch number of the medication.

Note: The batch number is used to trace the production history of the medication. This is useful where specific batches have been recalled.

Common fields and buttons

Common fields



Default email

Default email address of the community member.

Note: The default email address is defined using the Default Email field on the Phone bar of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Phone bar.

Home address

Home address of the community member.

Note: The home address is defined using the Home Address bar of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address bar.

Common buttons



Click to display the Add reminder window.

When the medical details of the selected community member need to be updated, you can use this window to create a reminder action centre message with details of the update.

Click to display a list of available medical reports.

Note: This currently supports the Medical Incident Note report.

Used to navigate between the records of community members signed into medical maintenance.

Tip: You can navigate to a specific page by typing the page number into the Go to field and pressing Enter.