Medical Maintenance - Healthcare tab

Use the Healthcare tab to maintain membership details for:

  • medical insurance
  • ambulance membership
  • Medicare cards
  • healthcare cards
  • healthcare providers.

 Opening the Healthcare tab

To open the Healthcare tab:

  1. Select Students > Medical Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Incidents tab of Medical Maintenance is displayed.
  2. Click the Healthcare tab.
    The Healthcare tab of Medical Maintenance is displayed.

Medical Maintenance - Healthcare tab key fields

Health Records area fields



Blood Group

Blood group of the community member.

Disability Level

Disability level of the student.

Note: You can maintain disability levels using the luDisability lookup table. See the luDisabilityLevel lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Health InsuranceWhether the community member has health insurance.
Medical Insurance FundHealth insurance fund of the community member. For example, Medibank Private Limited.
Policy NumberHealth insurance policy number of the community member.
Insurance Cover LevelHealth insurance extras table used and when the cover expires, if the Extra Cover field is selected.
Extras CoverWhether the community member has extras cover from their health insurer. 
Policy ExpiryExpiry date of the community member's health insurance.
Ambulance MemberWhether the community member is an ambulance member.
Ambulance Member NoAmbulance membership number of the community member.
Medicare NumberMedicare card number of the community member.
Medicare Line NumberLine number of the community member on the Medicare card.
Medicare ExpiryExpiry date of the community member's Medicare card.
Healthcare CardWhether the community member has a healthcare card.
Healthcare Card NumberHealthcare card number of the community member.
Healthcare Card ExpiryExpiry date of the community member's healthcare card.

Common fields and buttons

Common fields



Default email

Default email address of the community member.

Note: The default email address is defined using the Default Email field on the Phone bar of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Phone bar.

Home address

Home address of the community member.

Note: The home address is defined using the Home Address bar of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address bar.

Common buttons



Click to display the Add reminder window.

When the medical details of the selected community member need to be updated, you can use this window to create a reminder action centre message with details of the update.

Click to display a list of available medical reports.

Note: This currently supports the Medical Incident Note report.

Used to navigate between the records of community members signed into medical maintenance.

Tip: You can navigate to a specific page by typing the page number into the Go to field and pressing Enter.