Generating roll returns
Your organisation's Preparer can generate the roll return aggregate reports once student data has been validated. See Validating student data.
The roll return generation process can be run as often as necessary while preparing to submit roll returns, but the type of roll return generated depends on when the roll return is generated. Roll returns are set to:
- DRAFT when generated before the start of the roll count period
- OFFICIAL when generated during the roll count period.
Note: Draft roll returns can be generated but not previewed.
Note: You must have the STU|StudentImportExport|MOE|PrepareRollReturn security permission to complete these steps. See Group/User Security Maintenance - Groups View in the System maintenance manual.
To generate a roll return:
- Open the MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import/Export Student Data - MOE tab.
The MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed. - Click
Note: During roll return generation the validation process is run in the background. If any validation errors are identified you must resolve these errors. See Roll return errors and warnings.
Once the errors are resolved you need to restart the roll return process by validating student data. See Validating student data.
The Set Directory window is displayed. . - Click
The Select Folder window is displayed. . - Select the folder to determine where the generated roll return is saved.
- Click
The Directory field of the Set Directory window is updated. . - Click
The Confirm window is displayed. . - Click
The Ministry of Education Roll Return Errors & Warnings Report is displayed. . - Close the report.
Several Information windows are displayed to notify you about the audit requirement csv files being generated. - Click
The Information window is displayed to notify you that the report generation process is about to begin. for each window. - Click
The Exporting Records window is displayed.
The Information - Roll Return generation successful window is displayed. . - Click
The Summary area of the MOE tab is updated. . - If the generated date is:
• before the roll count period:
- Roll Return Type field is set to DRAFT.
- button is not enabled.
• during the roll count period:
- Roll Return Type field is set to OFFICIAL.
- is displayed next to the button
- button is enabled.
Your organisation's Preparer can continue the roll return process by previewing the roll return aggregate reports to ensure the data is accurate. See Previewing roll return reports.