Roll return errors and warnings

Roll return errors and warnings

Errors and warning arise when the data in Synergetic fails validation checks required by the New Zealand Ministry of Education (NZ MOE). See Validating student data.

The following tables can be used to identify where the data can be checked and updated in Synergetic, for each error listed on the Ministry of Education Roll Return and Errors & Warnings Report.


Also, see:

Once any errors are fixed and the Synergetic report has no further errors, the .MOE file will pass the same validation checks when sent to the NZ MOE web service. The .MOE file will be accepted if there are warnings but it is advisable to correct these where possible.

Errors and warnings are listed in separate sections.

The errors and warnings are sorted by the error number. Fix the obvious errors first and rerun the report - some of the more obscure errors may have been fixed as well.

In addition to student-related errors, some errors may arise from data problems that may apply to your organisation as a whole. For more information, see Ensuring roll return settings are correct.