Updating community member details for roll returns

Two tabs in Community Maintenance are used to view and update address and name information that is used to generate the:

  • roll return reports
  • MOE file sent to the New Zealand Ministry of Education (NZ MOE) web service.

Fields have their corresponding NZ MOE definitions displayed in italics, if they are different from the Synergetic name.

Name tab

The Name tab of Community Maintenance is used to view and update the name or gender of the student.

See Community Maintenance - Name tab (Roll returns).

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Home Address tab

The Home Address tab of Community Maintenance is used to update the following fields:

  • Line 1 (First Address)
  • Line 2 (Second Address)
  • Suburb (Third Address)
  • City (Fourth Address)
  • Silent Address (Privacy Indicator).

See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab (Roll returns).