Rejecting roll returns

Rejecting roll returns

Your organisation's Approver can reject a roll return after viewing the roll return aggregate reports submitted for approval. See Viewing reports submitted for approval.

Note: You must have the STU|StudentImportExport|MOE|ApproveRollReturn security permission to complete these steps. See Group/User Security Maintenance - Groups View in the System maintenance manual.

Possible reasons for rejecting a roll return include:

  • report data is incorrect or incomplete
  • NZ MOE rejects the submitted roll return.

To reject a roll return:

  1. Either:

    • Click the  button on the NZMOE Roll Return Ready for Approval Action Centre message in the Action Centre.
    • Open the MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import/Export Student Data - MOE tab.

    The MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed.
  2. Click .

    The Reject Roll Return window is displayed.
  3. Type a reason for the rejection into the field provided.
  4. Click .

Once the roll return is rejected:

  •  is cleared from:

  • The NZMOE Roll Return Rejected Action Centre message is sent to your organisation's Preparer to notify them that the roll return has been rejected.

Your organisation's Preparer needs to resolve any issues noted by the Approver before restarting the roll return process by validating student data. See Validating student data.