Requesting roll return approval

Requesting roll return approval

Your organisation's Preparer can request for the roll return to be approved by the Approver at your organisation once:

Note: You must have the STU|StudentImportExport|MOE|PrepareRollReturn security permission to complete these steps. See Group/User Security Maintenance - Groups View in the System maintenance manual.

To request roll return approval:

  1. Open the MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import/Export Student Data - MOE tab.
    The MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed.
  2. Click .|
    The Summary area of the MOE tab is updated.

    Tip: You can see who is responsible for approving roll returns at your organisation using the List of Approver(s) field. This makes it easier to track and follow up roll returns submitted for approval. For a full list, click .

  3. Click .
    The Confirm window is displayed.
  4. Click .
    The Information window is displayed.
  5. Click .

Once approval has been requested:

  •  is displayed next to the  button.
  • NZMOE Roll Return Ready for Approval Action Centre message is sent to the Approver at your organisation.

Your organisation's Approver can continue the roll return process by viewing the roll return aggregate reports submitted for approval. See Viewing reports submitted for approval.

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