Report Selector window

When a new Crystal Report has been completed and tested and is ready to be integrated into Synergetic, the Report Selector window can be used to specify the:

  • name of the report
  • module the report belongs to
  • report definition screen that is used to run the report.

 Opening the Report Selector window

To open the Report Selector window:

  1. Select Module > System > User/Report Form Editor.
    The Report Selector window is displayed.

Report Selector window area key fields and buttons
Display area fields




Search for reports and user forms by the module they belong to.

Resource Type

Search for reports and user forms by their resource type.

Web Enabled


  • Yes to only view web-enabled reports
  • No to not view web-enabled reports
  • Leave blank to view all reports.


Search for reports and user forms by resource code, description or screen definition.





Report code. This must be the same as the saved file name of the Crystal Report.


Defines which:

  • Synergetic module the report belongs to
  • Crystal Report menu window the report appears in.
    Note: The reports are sorted first by module and then by report code in the Report Selector list.

SQL Object

Main view in the report or base table in the user form.


Name that appears in the specified Crystal Report menu screen.

Resource TypeThere are eight resource type options available. The resource type affects how Synergetic uses the report or user form.
Site Reports

This is a site-created report selection screen. All custom report screens and alterations of Synergetic Management Systems report screens must be saved as this type, unless your custom report is designed to use a standard Synergetic Management Systems selection screen.

Indicated in the grid by RS.

CDA Reports

This is the standard Synergetic Management Systems report selection screen.

Indicated in the grid by RZ.

Standalone Reports

This resource type corresponds to the selection screens used for customised reports in Standalone versions of Synergetic. These are primarily Assessment/Reporting Crystal Reports.

Indicated in the grid by RL.

Standalone CDA Reports

This resource type corresponds to the selection screens for Synergetic Management Systems reports used in Standalone versions of Synergetic.

Indicated in the grid by RY.

User Forms

This resource type is used to identify custom tabs and programs in Synergetic.

Indicated in the grid by UF.

User Search

This resource type is used to identify custom search forms for maintenance windows.

Indicated in the grid by US.

Site SSRS ReportsThis resource type is used to identify site SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports.
CDA SSRS ReportsThis resource type is used to identify Synergetic Management Systems SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports.
Screen Definition

Selection screens for base views in your report. The selection screens have been created earlier.

These are only used for Crystal Reports.

Web Enabled

Select whether the report can be used with the web based version of Synergetic.

Note: Some report selection screens require additional setup to support web enabling: this flag may not be available on all reports.

CrystalSelect to indicate that the report is a Crystal report.
Use SSRSSelect to indicate that the report is an SSRS report.




Loads the Synergetic Reports Available window for the module that is specified or highlighted in the Report Selector.

It is useful for testing the report and the Report Selector settings that have been made.

Allows you to copy and link the report definitions from an existing report to be used for your new report.

Loads the User Form Designer, the window on the right side of the screen.

The same result can be achieved by clicking on the User Form Designer using the mouse.

Insert the details of a new user selection form before the highlighted form.

Also, see the suggested method for modifying an existing report below.

Delete the highlighted user selection form.

Save any changes made to the user selection form details.

Export a user form or report from Synergetic. See Exporting reports and user forms.

Import a user form or report into Synergetic. See Importing reports and user forms.

Launch the Report Scheduling window. See Scheduling user reports.

Modifying an existing report using the same selection window

To modify an existing Synergetic Management Systems report using the same selection window:

  1. Find the original report in the folder where your reports are stored.

    Tip: To find the network location of your Synergetic Management Systems reports, click Help > About.

  2. Copy the .rpt file to the reports\site directory and change it using Crystal Reports.
    The report is modified.

Modifying an existing report using a different selection window
To modify an existing Synergetic Management Systems report to use a different selection window:

  1. Find the original report in the folder where your reports are stored.

    Tip: To find the network location of your Synergetic Management Systems reports, click Help > About.

  2. Copy the .rpt file to the reports\site directory and change it using Crystal Reports.
  3. Click .
  4. Enter the following fields as needed:

    • Report
    Network Type.

  5. Make changes as required.