Creating new report definition screens

Creating new report definition screens

After you create a new report or modify an existing report and save it with a new name, you may need to build a new report definition screen.

For this exercise, a staff contact list report has been created (STFCL) and saved in the site folder. This Crystal Report is based on a number of base tables and so the named report definition screen vStaff (which would have been ideal had the report been built from the view vStaff) cannot be used. The following shows how to build a new report definition screen from scratch.

  1. Add the new report to the Report Selector screen by clicking on the  button.
  2. Enter the correct details for the Report Code (STFCL), Module (REP), View (blank), Description (Staff Contact List) and the Resource Type (Site).
  3. Click .
  4. Highlight the new report in the Report Selector grid and click the  button.
    No report definition screen exists for this report yet.
  5. Add an Optional Selections group box to the form as the first control object to contain the remaining selection fields. Refer to the screen capture below for assistance.

  6. Next insert the following staff database fields into the Optional Selections group box:

    • Surname
    • Preferred
    • ID
    • StaffCode
    • StaffCampus
    • StaffYearLevel.

  7. Highlight the GroupBox entry in the User Form Designer grid.
  8. Click to create a new entry for Surname.
  9. Enter the values for Control & Property Definition and Editable Objects and SQL Syntax as shown in the screen capture below.
  10. Click .
  11. Highlight the Surname entry in the User Form Designer grid and click to create a new entry for Preferred.
  12. Enter the values for Control & Property Definition and Editable Objects and SQL Syntax as shown in the screen capture below.
  13. Click .
  14. Highlight the Preferred entry in the User Form Designer grid and click to create a new entry for Staff ID.
  15. Enter the values for Control & Property Definition and Editable Objects and SQL Syntax as shown in the screen capture below.
  16. Click .
  17. Highlight the Staff ID entry in the User Form Designer grid and click to create a new entry for Staff Code.
  18. Enter the values for Control & Property Definition and Editable Objects and SQL Syntax as shown in the screen capture below.

    Note: We are using the luSQL field to write a SQL Server query to populate a wwDbLookupCombo.

  19. Click .
    The Additional Properties field has also been used to change the default properties of this control. 
  20. Highlight the Staff Code entry in the User Form Designer grid and click  to create a new entry for Staff Year Level.
  21. Enter the values for Control & Property Definition and Editable Objects and SQL Syntax as shown in the screen capture below.

    Note: We are using the luSQL field to write a SQL Server query to select only three columns from the luYearLevel table to appear in the wwDbLookupCombo control.

  22. Click .
  23. Click  to inspect the newly created report definition screen.

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