Create New Pay window

Create New Pay window

Use the Create New Pay window to:

  • create a new pay run for a payroll group
  • create a special pay run
  • nominate employees in the special pay run.

Note: Terminated employees are not automatically added to the pay run even if you select their pay group.

Note: Leave pay lines and transactions are automatically processed when the new pay is created and can be viewed on the Detail and Leave tabs of Current Pay Maintenance respectively. See Maintaining current pays.


 Opening the Create New Pay window

To open the Create New Pay window:

  1. Select Module > Payroll > Create New Pay from the main menu.
    The Create New Pay window is displayed.

Create New Pay window key fields and buttons




Regular Pay

Select to process a regular pay for a payroll group. The Regular Pay area fields are made active and the Special Pay area fields are made inactive.

Special Pay

Select to process a special pay, selecting individuals to pay. The Special Pay area fields are made active and the Regular Pay area fields are made inactive.

Regular Pay area fields



Payroll Group

Payroll group to select for the pay run. If you do not select a payroll group then the pay is processed for all employees.

For example, you may have a monthly pay run for salaried employees and a weekly pay run for wages employees.

See Payroll Configuration - Pay Groups tab in the System maintenance manual for more details on creating and defining pay groups.

Include Casual Employees

Select to include casual employees in the pay run. Casual employees are not automatically selected into a pay run.

Special Pay area fields



Employees for Special Pay

If processing a Special Pay, use the buttons to add and delete employees to the pay run.

Leave blank to create an empty pay run.

Pay Dates area fields



Last Pay Date

Date of the last pay.

Note: This field is not editable.

Pay Date

Posting date. Override if required.

You should be mindful of the Last Pay Date when nominating the Pay Date, to ensure that regular periods are specified.

GL Date

The date written to the general ledger when you close off the pay using the Finalise Payroll window. See Closing off pay.

Note: This date is not included in the Single Touch Payroll (STP) submissions processed using the Finalise Payroll window. For information about the payroll finalisation process, see Finalising payroll.

Same as Pay DateSelect to make the GL Date the same as the Pay Date.

Payment Available

The date the pay will be available to staff.

Same as Pay Date

Select to make the Payment Available date the same as the Pay Date.

Start of Pay Period

Synergetic automatically calculates the start of the pay period from the End of Pay Period and Payroll Group. Override if required.

Calculate from Payroll Group

Select to calculate the Start of Pay Period field using the Posting Date and the selected Payroll Group.

End of Pay Period

End of the pay period.

Same As Pay Date

Select to make the End of Pay Period date the same as the Pay Date.

Expected Super Payment

The date that superannuation payments are expected to be made on behalf of the staff member.

Note: This field will become mandatory for Australian users from the 1st of July, 2013.

Same as Pay Date

Select to make the Expected Super Payment date the same as the Pay Date.

Required Selections fields



Bank Account

Bank account the employees are paid from.


Description of the pay run used to search for past pay runs.

This helps you to identify the pay at a later stage. It does default to a meaningful description, based on the pay group.

Discrepancies between HR and Payroll Systems grid area fields

A list of all fields where the staff information is different between the Payroll and Human resources systems.

Note: Synergetic must be configured to display discrepancies. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Payroll tab in the Finance manual.




Name of the staff member.


Name of the field that has a discrepancy.


Value of the field in the Human resources system.


Value of the field in the Payroll system.


Comment indicating further issues or discrepancies.


Synergetic ID of the staff member.

Special Pay area buttons

These buttons are only active when the Special Pay field is selected.



Add employees to the special pay run, using the Get Payroll ID window. You can select multiple employees by:

  • holding down Shift when clicking to select a block of employees
  • holding down Ctrl when clicking to select several employees individually.

Delete the highlighted employee from the special pay run.

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