General Ledger Maintenance - Purchase Orders tab

Use the Purchase Orders tab to view:

  • complete purchase orders
  • incomplete purchases orders.


 Opening the Purchase Orders tab

To open the Purchase Orders tab:

  1. Select Module > General Ledger > General Ledger Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set General Ledger Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access General Ledger functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the general ledger account. See Searching for general ledger accounts.
    The General tab of the General Ledger Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Purchase Orders tab.
    The Purchase Orders tab of the General Ledger Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. If required, change the Business Unit.
    The window is redisplayed for the business unit specified. 

General Ledger Maintenance - Purchase Orders tab key fields and buttons




G/L Year

Select to filter the G/L journals for the general ledger year. Either:
• type the G/L Year and click .
click on the up or down arrow on the G/L Year field.
Journals for the selected general ledger year are displayed.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that has raised the purchase orders.

Complete Orders

Select to display complete purchase orders.

Incomplete Orders

Select to display incomplete purchase orders.


Select to display requisitions.

Grid area fields



Order No

Purchase order number.

Order Date

Date of the order.

Item Code

Item code (from Item Maintenance).

Unit Cost

Individual item cost of the unit ordered.

Qty Order

Number of units ordered.

Ext Cost Ord

Total cost of units ordered.

Qty Rmng

Quantity of items remaining to be filled.

Ext Cost Rmng

Total cost of items remaining to be filled.

Qty Suppd

Quantity of items already supplied.


Name of the creditor the invoice was sent to.

Invoice No

Invoice number of payment to creditor.

Invoice Date

Date of invoice.


Description of item ordered.




Launch into Purchase Order Maintenance for the highlighted purchase order.
See Maintaining purchase orders in the Purchase orders manual.