General Ledger Maintenance - Purchase Orders bar

General Ledger Maintenance - Purchase Orders bar

Use the Purchase Orders bar to view:

  • complete purchase orders
  • incomplete purchases orders
  • requisition orders.


 Opening the Purchase Orders bar

To open the Purchase Orders bar:

  1. Select Finance > General Ledger from the SynWeb main menu.
    The General Ledger Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the general ledger. See Searching for general ledger accounts.
  3. Click the Purchase Orders bar.

     You can click anywhere on a navigation bar other than the caption to open it.

    The Purchase Orders bar of the General Ledger Maintenance window is displayed.

General Ledger Maintenance - Purchase Orders bar key fields




Business Unit

Select to filter the purchase orders by business unit.

Order Year

Select to filter the purchase orders by order year.

Complete Orders

Select to include completed orders.

Incomplete Orders

Select to include incomplete orders.

Include Requisition Orders

Select to include requisition orders.

Grid area fields



Order Number

Purchase order number.

Order Date

Date of the purchase order.

Item Code

Item code (from Synergetic Item Maintenance).

Unit Cost

Individual cost of the unit ordered.

Quantity Ordered

Number of units ordered.

Extended Cost Ordered

Total cost of units ordered.

Quantity Remaining

Quantity of items remaining to be filled.

Extended Cost Remaining

Total cost of items remaining to be filled.

Quantity Supplied

Quantity of items supplied.


Name of the creditor the invoice was sent to.

Invoice Number

Invoice number of payment to the creditor.

Invoice Date

Date of invoice.


Description of item ordered.

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