Maintaining general ledger cost centres

Maintaining general ledger cost centres

Cost centres are used to group normal operating expenses for similar activities at your organisation.
Use General Ledger Cost Centre Maintenance to view and maintain cost centres at your organisation.
Also, see Accounting structure in the Accounting structure manual.

How to:

What you can do:

What you can do…



  • key description and tax details of a cost centre
  • the staff member responsible for the cost centre.

Maintain the general ledger codes associated with the cost centre.

View a list of journals associated with the cost centre.

For a cost centre, view:

  • movements in the budget
  • actual income and expenditure against the budgeted amounts.

Maintain user-defined forms used within Cost Centre Maintenance.

You can:

  • view audit details of who created and maintained this cost centre
  • add a comment about the cost centre.