General ledger Overview

General ledger Overview

The General ledger module allows you to manage your chart of accounts, post journals to your general ledger accounts and produce financial reports. Use the General ledger windows to:

Many organisations use a combination of the chart of accounts code (to designate an income, expense, asset or liability) and a cost centre code (to record which area of the organisation is responsible for the financial transaction).
Synergetic provides a chart of accounts and Cost Centre Maintenance facility that automatically creates the appropriate general ledger codes required. See:

You can use one sub-allocation code across more than one account code if required. Use the sub-allocation code to:

    • group items together in a report
    • record expenses or income for one-off events such as excursions
    • group together expense items for a particular project in the organisation.

Sub-allocations do not have a budget associated with them.

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