Cost Centre Maintenance - Journals tab

Cost Centre Maintenance - Journals tab

Use the Journals tab to view a list of journals associated with this cost centre code.

 Opening the Journals tab

To open the Journals tab:

  1. Select Module > General Ledger > Cost Centre Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Cost Centre Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access General Ledger functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the general ledger cost centre.
    The General tab of the Cost Centre Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Journals tab.
    The Journals tab of the Cost Centre Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Either:
    • Type the G/L Year and click .
    • Click on the up or down arrow on the G/L Year field.
    Journals for the selected general ledger year are displayed. 

Cost Centre Maintenance - Journals tab key fields and buttons




G/L Year

Select to filter the general ledger year.

  • Type the G/L Year and click .
  • Click on the up or down arrow on the G/L Year field.

Grid area fields




Date of the journal transaction.

G/L Code

General ledger code for this journal transaction.

Journal Description

Description of the journal.


Amount excluding tax.
Note: Debits are shown as positive amounts and credits are shown as negative amounts.

Tax Code

Tax code associated with the journal transaction.


Amount of tax included in this transaction.


Balances outstanding, if applicable.

Posting No

Order number for the transaction, if applicable.


Synergetic program that is the source of the posting.

Order No

Purchase order number.

Receipt No

Receipt number.


Synergetic ID of the person or company that the transaction relates to.


Name of the person or company that the transaction relates to.


Unique sequence number of the transaction.

Sub Alloc

General ledger sub-allocation code.

Deb Tran

Debtor transaction sequence, if applicable.

Cred Tran

Creditor transaction sequence, if applicable.

Pay Code

Payroll pay code.

Sale Inv No

Sale invoice number from the Sales module.

Inv No Issued

Invoice number issued from Debtors or General Ledger module.

Inv Line Desc

Line description printed on the invoice.

Rvrs Jnl Seq

Reversing transaction reference.


Selected if this is an income transaction for tax purposes.

Classif'n Code

Classification code for tax purposes.


Selected if the journal adjusted tax for a prior period.

BAS Posting

Transaction sequence of the BAS posting number for this transaction, if applicable.




Refresh the information in the grid from the database.
Use this if:

  • you change the G/L Year and need to redisplay the data
  • someone else is maintaining journals.

Based on the Source of the general ledger journal, launch into the relevant maintenance function.
For example:

  • Debtor Maintenance
  • Creditor Maintenance.