Centralised entry of attendance data in New Zealand schools

Centralised entry of attendance data in New Zealand schools

The following process outlines a model for centralised entry of attendance data that can be suitable for schools in New Zealand, with some modifications to suit local conditions.

Note: Information on using Synergetic is displayed in italics (including hyperlinks, if online).

Also, see Attendance codes for New Zealand schools.


Teachers either:

  • Take the morning roll and send the class list to the Attendance Officer.
  • Take the afternoon roll call and send the class list to the Attendance Officer.
  • Mark attendance for each period during the day and send each class list to the Attendance Officer. Alternatively, for decentralised data entry, see Recording class attendances - Teachers.

Teachers can also:

  • Provide a class trip schedule to the Attendance Officer.
  • Mark class trip attendance manually and provide results to the Attendance Officer, using a runner or by telephone.
  • Provide a remedial teaching schedule to the Attendance Officer.

Note: Co-curricular activities can be maintained using Staff Schedule Maintenance. See Maintaining co-curricular activities in the Curriculum manual.

Attendance Officer

The Attendance Officer:


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