Recording group absences in bulk

Recording group absences in bulk

If a group of students is absent from their usual classes, you can add attendance records for them all as follows:

  1. Select Module > Students > Absence Events Bulk Entry.
    The Absence Events Bulk Entry - Selection Screen window is displayed.
  2. Enter the selection criteria for the group of students. See Selecting absentees for bulk entry.

    You can make multiple selections to build up the group of students.
  3. Click .
    The Absence Events Bulk Entry window is displayed.

    After you have selected the group of students, you can manually add or remove students from the To be Processed pane. Select any students who were not absent and click to move the selected students from the right-hand pane to the left-hand pane. If you accidentally move an absent student, move them back to the right-hand pane by selecting them and clicking . You can use and to move all students from one pane to the other. See Absence Events Bulk Entry window.

    Tip: You can use the mouse and the normal Windows Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple students. Hold down the Shift key and click on the first student you want to select. While still holding down the Shift key, click the last student. All students in between your two selections are highlighted. Alternatively, you can hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on different students in the list to highlight them.
  4. Click  to add more students to the list, if required.
  5. Click to create absences for the selected students.
    The Create Bulk Absence Events window is displayed.
  6. Select the Absence Event Mode for the group absence.
  7. Create the absence events for the selected mode. See:
    Creating all day absence events for groups.
    • Creating excursion absence events for groups.
    • Creating recurring absence events for groups.

    To add groups using other modes, refer to the corresponding individual mode. See Individual student absence events.
  8. Click to save your changes.
    The following message is displayed.
  9. Click
  10. Either click:
    •  to add another bulk absence event
    •  to return to the Absence Events Bulk Entry window.


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