Creating all day absence events for groups

Creating all day absence events for groups

If a group of students is on an all day absence, you create the absence events for them as follows:

  1. First select the group of students that are absent. See Recording group absences in bulk.
  2. Click .
    The Create Bulk Absence Events window is displayed.
  3. Select the All Day Absence mode.
    The Create Bulk Absence Events window is redisplayed with the fields for an all day absence.
  4. Select the first and last dates that the students are absent.
  5. Select the Absence Type from the drop-down list.

    New Zealand schools use the absence codes required by the NZ Ministry of Education (NZ MOE). See Attendance codes for New Zealand schools.
  6. Select the Reason from the drop-down list.
  7. Type any comments in the Comment field.
  8. Update any other fields, as required.
  9. Click .
    The absence events are created for the group of students.

Create Bulk Absence Events window - All Day Absences key fields



Absence Event Mode

The type of absence event, as defined in the luAbsenceEventType lookup table. See:

First Day of Absence

The first date that the student or students are away. Defaults to today's date.

For details on using the calendar to select a date, see Entering dates and times in the Introduction manual.

Last Day of Absence

The last date that the student or students are away. Defaults to today's date.

Note: When students are marked as not attending on the Attendance window, each nonattendance record is linked to each day of the absence event if it spans several days.

Should a multi-day absence event be modified later, Synergetic checks to ensure that days cannot be deleted when a nonattendance has already been marked.

See Modifying all day absences.

Include Sat

Select to include any Saturdays between the first and last days. For example, a boarding student who is normally present over the weekend but is absent on the Saturday.

Note: This field is the first day of your weekend. If your week starts on a day other than Monday, this field is labelled differently.

Include Sun

Select to include any Sundays between the first and last days. For example, a boarding student who is normally present over the weekend but is absent on the Sunday.

Note: This field is the last day of your weekend. If your week starts on a day other than Monday, this field is labelled differently.

Reported By

Name of the person who provides the information that the student or students are going to be away. The person can be selected by either:

  • selecting r'ship and selecting a relation from the drop-down list
  • selecting staff and selecting a staff member from the drop-down list
  • typing the person's name in the free-text field when the person is not a relation or staff member.

Absence Type

The type of absence, as defined in the luAbsenceType lookup table.

Note: New Zealand schools use the absence codes required by the NZ Ministry of Education (NZ MOE). See Attendance codes for New Zealand schools.


Reason for the absence.


Additional information available about the absence.

Part of Day

Part of the day (morning, afternoon or whole day) that the absence event occurs.

If you leave this field blank, Synergetic automatically determines whether it is morning, afternoon or all day, based on the times in the absence event.

This ensures that reports that rely on whether a student was absent morning, afternoon or a whole day continue to work.

Contact Made

Select if you contacted the person specified in the Reported By field to confirm the details of the absence event.

Contact Rcvd

Select if the person specified in the Reported By field contacts you to confirm the details of the absence event.

Note Rcvd

Select if a signed note has been received from the parent.


Select if the reason given for the absence meets the policy in force at your organisation. This field may not be active for this mode.

Note: This field does not need selecting in New Zealand schools as the Absence Type field is used to determine whether an absence is approved by the NZ MOE or not. See Attendance codes for New Zealand schools.

Note: This flag is only displayed if ShowApprovedFlag is selected for the absence event type in the luAbsenceEventType lookup table.

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