05.03 Payslip Report Changes

05.03 Payslip Report Changes

As part of the STP changes we have needed to make changes to the standard PAYSLIP report to ensure that it contains pay lines that utilise the new Pay Code Types.

Without the changes, some pay lines would not display on the old version of the report.

This has implications for those clients who have customised the PAYSLIP report and have it stored in the reports/site folder.

We want to make sure that people don’t continue to run their existing site versions which may also potentially be missing pay lines.

Therefore in the upgrade to V69 we have renamed the PAYSLIP.rpt file in the site folder (if it exists) so that it will not be picked up when the next pay is run. The payslip program would then pick up the new standard report by default.

If you want to re-customise the payslip report, we would recommend starting with the new standard report and redoing the customisations to that.