Interfacing with external systems using configurable gender values

Interfacing with external systems using configurable gender values

Synergetic uses the Interface Settings window to interface with external systems.

With the introduction of configurable gender, Synergetic has updated external system mapping to allow outbound gender values from the luGender lookup table to be mapped to accepted external system gender values. Consult the table below for a full list of updated external systems.

 Mapping outbound gender values to external system gender values

To map outbound gender values to external system gender values:

  1. Selecting the external system from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the direction of the information using the Settings tree. You can select:

    Outbound for data mapped from Synergetic to external system values
    Inbound for data mapped from external systems to Synergetic.

    Note: You can only map inbound luGender values using the SIF - Systems Interoperability Framework external system. All other external systems map outbound values only.

  3. Select the luGender lookup table.
  4. Map the gender values as required.

Updated external systems

Note: You can view each external system by setting the Value field of the CountryCode and RegionCode configuration settings to the listed values. For information about these configuration settings, see:

CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting.

External systemAttachmentConfiguration Settings

CountryCode valueRegionCode value

ACARA - Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority


ACTEDUDIR - ACT Government Education Directorate


ACTGOVDEMO - ACT Government Demographic Data Collection


AUSGOVSTATS - Commonwealth Governments Student Attendance Collection


NSWGOVDEMO - New South Wales Government Demographic Data Collection


QCAA - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority


QCAANAPLAN - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority - for NAPLAN


SACE - South Australian Certificate of Education


SAGOVDEMO - South Australian Government Demographic Data Collection

SIF - Systems Interoperability Framework

TASGOVDEMO - Tasmanian Government Demographic Data Collection


VCAAVASSVSN - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority for VASS and VSR


VICGOVDEMO - Victorian Curriculum Demographic Data Collection


WAGOVDEMO - Western Australian Government Demographic Data Collection

WASCSA - WA School Curriculum and Standards AuthorityAUWA