luRelationship lookup table (Gender)
luRelationship lookup table (Gender)
Synergetic uses the luRelationship lookup table to define relationships between community members.
This lookup table has been updated to support relationships involving other-gendered community members with the addition of:
- RevRelationshipOther field to code for the other person in a relationship where the person has gender with a SynergyMeaning of Other.
- Gender-neutral SynergyMeanings
- Gender-neutral relationship records.
For full details of the records available in the luRelationship lookup table, see the following attachment:
New gender-neutral SynergyMeanings
The following gender-neutral SynergyMeanings have been added to the SynergyMeaning field of the luRelationship lookup table:
- Child
- Parent
- Sibling.
For a listing of all the windows that use configurable gender data from the luRelationship lookup table, see Configurable gender relationships.
, multiple selections available,