Register New Student file
Register New Student file is defined by QCAA and forms part of the QCAA Student Management application. The file contains Current Students who do not have a Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and meet the parameters set by the operator.
LUI is Queensland only and is stored in the Government Student Number field on Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
File Contents
Data File field | Synergetic field |
Given names | |
Middle names | |
Family name | |
Preferred name | |
Sex | Gender from Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab Mapping Codes: M, F, X Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA (Note: X not currently supported.) |
Date of birth | Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab |
USI | Vocational Education Code from Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab The USI is a reference number made up of ten numbers and letters. |
Birth country | Country of Birth from Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab Mapping Codes 1269.0 - Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), Second Edition Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |
Indigenous status | Derived based on Torres Strait Islander Flag and Indigenous Student Flag from Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab This is the ABS Indigenous Status Code N Mapping Synergetic has implemented the QCAA defined mapping: Note: Currently Synergetic does not support Not stated/inadequately described. |
Home language | Home Language from Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab Mapping Codes: 1267.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), 2011 Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |
Disability | Disability Flag from Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab |
International full fee-paying student | Full Fee Paying from Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab |
Documents sighted | New DocumentsSightedFlag field on Current Student Maintenance - International tab |
Date entered Australia | Arrival Date from Current Student Maintenance - International tab (Visa Subclasses) |
Home email | Home Email from Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab |
School email | Email from Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab |
Other email | (blank not used) |
Home phone | Home Phone from Community Maintenance - Phone tab |
Mobile phone | Mobile Phone From Community Maintenance - Phone tab |
Address line 1 | Home Address from Community Maintenance - Home Address tab
Address line 2 | |
Address line 3 | |
Address line 4 | |
Address suburb | |
Postcode | |
State | Home Address State from Community Maintenance - Home Address tab Mandatory for Australia Mapping Codes ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |
Country | Code of Home Address Country from Community Maintenance - Home Address tab Mapping Codes 1269.0 - Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), Second Edition Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |
Postal address line 1 | Postal Address from Community Maintenance - Postal Address tab
Postal address line 2 | |
Postal address line 3 | |
Postal address line 4 | |
Postal suburb | |
Postal postcode | |
Postal state | Postal Address State from Community Maintenance - Postal Address tab Mandatory for Australia Mapping Codes ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |
Postal country | Code of Postal Address Country from Community Maintenance - Postal Address tab Codes 1269.0 - Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), Second Edition Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |
Exit year | Years Until Graduation from luYearLevel lookup table |
Student ID | Synergetic ID |
Intended learning option | Learning Pathway from Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab Codes As defined by QCAA:
Mapped in Interface Settings - QCAA |