Configurable gender values

Configurable gender values are defined using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table (Gender).

Once these values are defined you can select them throughout SynMain, SynWeb, Community Portal and SynMobile using the Gender field.  For each module listed below you can click the expanding link below to view:

  • Updated screens
  • Location of the gender field
  • Link to the updated topic.

Note: Topic links are provided to grant easy access to instructions showing where each screen is located. Gender changes will not be published until the release of Version 70.


ModuleScreens updated
Absence events
 Absence events
ScreenScreenshotTopic link

Set Absence Events Search Criteria window

ScreenScreenshotTopic link

Set Student Reports Search Criteria window

Bulk Add of Students to Classes window.

ScreenScreenshotTopic link

Set Community Search Criteria window

Create New Community Member - Name window

Create New Community Member - Spouse Name window

Community Maintenance - Name tab

Create New Relationship - Name window
Current students
 Current students
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Set Current Student Search Criteria window

Create New Student - Contact Name window

Create New Student - Spouse Name window

Create New Student - Student Name window

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab

Create New Relationship - Name window
Bulk Add Student Activity - Selection Screen window

Load Future Students from File window (Future Student Activity)
Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import window
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Events Bulk Add/Delete window

Communications Bulk Add/Delete window

Future students
 Future students
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Create New Enquiry - Contact Name window
Create New Enquiry - Spouse Name window
Create New Enquiry - Enquiry Student Name window
Enquiry Student Maintenance - Student tab
Enquiry Student Maintenance - Contact tab
Enquiry Student Maintenance - Contact Spouse tab
Set Future Student Search Criteria window

Create New Future Student - Contact Name window

Create New Future Student - Spouse Name window

Create New Future Student - Future Student Name window

Future Student Maintenance - Personal tab

Create New Relationship - Name window
Process Future Student and Enquiries window

Bulk Add Future Students window

Human resources
 Human resources
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Create New Staff Member - Name window
Past students
 Past students
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Set Past Student Search Criteria window

Create New Past Student - Contact Name window

Past Student Maintenance - Personal tab

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Create New Payroll Employee - Name window
Payroll Maintenance - Personal tab
Payroll Superannuation Export
System maintenance
 System maintenance
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Report Form Designer


ModuleScreens updated
Absence events
 Absence events
ScreenScreenshotTopic link

Set Absence Events Search Criteria window

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Set Students Search Criteria window (Viewing student results)

Set Students Search Criteria window (Allocating student classes)

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Co-Curricular Maintenance - Students tab

Note: You need to select All in the Sports Selector to view the Student Filters fields.

Bulk Add Students to Co-Curricular Category

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Set Community Search Criteria window

Create New Community Member - Name window

Create New Community Member - Spouse Name window

Community Maintenance - Name bar

Current students
 Current students
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Set Current Student Search Criteria window

Create New Student - Contact Name window

Create New Student - Spouse Name window

Create New Student - Student Name window

Current Student Maintenance - Personal bar

Excursions Bulk Add/Delete window

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Events Bulk Add/Delete window

Future students
 Future students
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Bulk Add Future Students window

Human resources
 Human resources
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Create New Staff - Name window

Online form builder
 Online form builder
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Online form

You can link online form builder elements to gender values using:

  • Field/Param Mapping drop-down list
  • Data bind drop-down list.

Note: You can only view the Data bind field when using a Select input element.

Community Portal

ModuleScreens updated
Community Portal
ScreenScreenshotTopic link

My Details tab

Accommodation Booking tab


ModuleScreens updated
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Community Details

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Staff Details

ScreenScreenshotTopic link
Student Details

My Details
 My Details
ScreenScreenshotTopic link
My Details