Adding confirmation periods
Adding confirmation periods
To add a confirmation period:
- Open the luConfirmationOfDetailDates lookup table. See luConfirmationOfDetailDates lookup table.
The luConfirmationOfDetailDates lookup table is displayed. - Click .
A new row is added to the lookup table. - Type a description for the confirmation period into the ConfirmationDescription field.
Note: This field is mandatory.
Note: You can use HTML to populate this field. - Select the opening date of the confirmation period using the OpenDate field.
- Select the date that confirmations are due using the RequiredDate field.
Note: The Portal message overdue banner is displayed in the Community portal if details have not been submitted by this date. - Select the last date when confirmations are possible on the Community portal using the PortalCutOffDate field.
- Select the date when the confirmation period closes and after which the period will no longer display in Synergetic or SynWeb using the CloseDate field
- Select the campus that the confirmation period applies to using the Campus field.
- Select the year level range that the confirmation period applies to using the YearLevelFrom and YearLevelTo fields.
- Type a message into the PortalMessage field to define the message displayed between the OpenDate and RequiredDate.
Note: This field is mandatory. - Type a message into the PortalMessageOverdue field to define the message displayed from the RequiredDate up to and including the PortalCutOffDate.
Note: This field is mandatory. - Select the types of students included in the confirmation by selecting:
- IncludeCurrentStudentsAndContacts to include current students and current student contacts
- IncludeFutureStudentsAndContacts to include future students and future student contacts.
Note: Contacts are only included when their contact type is selected (e.g IncludeLivesWithContacts). See below. - Select the types of contacts to include in the confirmation.
- IncludeAllSCContacts to include all student contacts (e.g. SC1, SC2)
- IncludeLivesWithContacts to include all contacts with the Lives With field selected
- IncludeParentContacts to include all contacts with the Parent field selected
- IncludeMailContacts to include all contacts with the Mail field selected
- IncludeReportsContacts to include all contacts with the Reports field selected.
- IncludeOtherConstits to include other constituencies. - Select the student details to be confirmed by selecting any of the following fields:
- ConfirmStudentPersonal to require personal details to be confirmed
- ConfirmStudentMedical to require medical details to be confirmed
- ConfirmStudentImmHC to require immunisation and health care details to be confirmed
- ConfirmStudentReqs to require requirement details to be confirmed
- ConfirmStudentAbilities to require ability details to be confirmed
- ConfirmStudentLegal to require legal details to be confirmed
- ConfirmStudentCensus to require census details to be confirmed. - Select the student contact details to be confirmed by selecting any of the following fields:
- ConfirmContactCommunityPersonal to require personal details to be confirmed
- ConfirmContactCommunityAddresses to require address details to be confirmed
- ConfirmContactCommunityOccupation to require occupation details to be confirmed
- ConfirmContactCommunityCensus to require census details to be confirmed. - Ensure the ActiveFlag field is selected.
- Click .