luObjectBookingType lookup table

luObjectBookingType lookup table

The luObjectBookingType lookup table is used to define the types of accommodation bookings and the constituency that indicates them.
When creating an accommodation booking, Synergetic attempts to assign the booking type automatically by looking at the constituencies of the community member for whom the booking has been made. When the community member has two or more of the listed constituencies, Synergetic uses the Priority field to determine which constituency should be regarded as the 'main' one for determining booking type.
See Managing accommodation in the SynWeb Objects manual.







Unique code to identify the booking type.


Description of the booking type.


Constituencies of this booking type, in a comma-separated list. For example: SC, SP, SF to include all current, past and future students in this booking type.


Priority of this booking. If the community member belongs to constituencies in two or more booking types, Synergetic chooses the booking type with the lowest priority.


Billing method, if you want this booking type to integrate with a PABX billing system. Select either:

  • PAYLATER - Charges are processed against the associated debtor account, and a statement can be generated as appropriate.
  • PAYUPFRONT - The debtor account must hold a minimum amount of credit, from which the charges are deducted. If the debtor account falls below the minimum credit level, the account PIN is disabled.
    Leave this field blank to prevent PABX payments for this booking type. See Maintaining PABX setup data in the Finance manual.


Date and time the lookup table entry was last modified.


User that last modified the lookup table entry.

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