Maintaining Action Centre setup data

Maintaining Action Centre setup data

You can configure aspects of the Action Centre to suit your organisation's needs.

Note: For information about maintaining Action Centre messages, see Maintaining Action Centre messages.

Configuration settings

Configuration setting




Used to determine whether the Action Centre is enabled.

ActionCentre:Enabled configuration setting


Used to determine the number of days a user needs to be logged out of Synergetic to be treated as an inactive user.

ActionCentre:InactiveDays configuration setting


Used to determine the System Administrator for Action Centre notifications.

ActionCentre:SystemAdminUser configuration setting


Used to determine whether staff receive the CLS_CurrentClass_Change_I Action Centre message when changes are made to Academic classes.

CLS_CurrentClass_Change_I:A configuration setting


Used to determine which contacts receive the CLS_StudentDetention_I Action Centre message.

CLS_StudentDetention_I:CreateMessageFor configuration setting


Used to determine whether staff receive the CLS_Timetable_Change_I: Action Centre message when changes are made to the timetabling of Academic classes.

CLS_Timetable_Change_I:A configuration setting


Used to determine whether collapsible HTML is enabled for Action Centre messages.

CollapsibleHTML configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before the vehicle registration expiry date that the Vehicle registration expiring Action Centre reminder message is created.

COM_VehicleExpiry_Rpt_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the text appended to the description of the Working with Children Check Action Centre alert message for non-staff members.

COM_WWCcheck_Exp_A:MessageText configuration setting


Used to determine the text appended to the description of the Working with Children Check Action Centre reminder message for non-staff members.

COM_WWCcheck_Exp_I:MessageText configuration setting


Used to determine when the Working with Children Check Action Centre message is created for Community (non-staff) members.

COM_WWCcheck_Exp_I:OnlyIfNeedsWWCcheck configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before the Working with Children Check Expiry Date that the Action Centre reminder message is created for Community (non-staff) members.

COM_WWCcheck_Exp_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the enquiry date after which enquiries will be included in the Enquiry Inactivity Report Action Centre report.

ENQ_Inactivity_Rpt_A:EnquiryDateFrom configuration setting


Used to determine which enquiry status codes are excluded from the Enquiry Inactivity Report Action Centre report.

ENQ_Inactivity_Rpt_A:ExcludeStatuses configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays that must pass before an enquiry is deemed inactive and included in the Enquiry inactivity report Action Centre report.

ENQ_Inactivity_Rpt_A:InactivityWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine HTML style information for Action Centre email messages.

HtmlStyle:Email configuration setting


Used to determine HTML style information for Action Centre smart phone messages.

HtmlStyle:Phone configuration setting


Used to determine HTML style information for Action Centre messages displayed on SynWeb.

HtmlStyle:Web configuration setting


Used to determine HTML style information for Action Centre messages displayed in Synergetic for Windows.

HtmlStyle:Windows configuration setting


Used to determine HTML style information for Action Centre messages displayed on tablets.

HtmlStyle:Tablet configuration setting

MED_MedicalPlan_Exp_Rpt_A_ReminderWeekdaysUsed to determine the number of weekdays before expiration of student medical plans to create the Medical plans expiring Action Centre message.MED_MedicalPlan_Exp_Rpt_A: ReminderWeekdays configuration setting
MED_Medication_Exp_Rpt_A_ReminderWeekdaysUsed to determine the number of weekdays before the expiration of student medications to create the Medications expiring Action Centre messageMED_Medication_Exp_Rpt_A: ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before the passport expiry date that passport expiring Action Centre messages are created.

Passport_Exp_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the contact type that receives student passport and visa expiry Action Centre reminder messages.

PassportVisaReminder:StudentContactType configuration setting

STF_JobPosition_ End_I_ReminderWeekdays

Used to determine the number of weekdays before job position end dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.

STF_JobPosition_End_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting

STF_JobPosition_ Inc_I_ReminderWeekdays

Used to determine the number of weekdays before job position increment dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.

STF_JobPosition_Inc_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before job position review dates to create Action Centre reminder messages..

STF_JobPosition_Rev_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before staff leaving dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.

STF_Leaving_Rem_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before staff probation end dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.

STF_ProbationEnd_Rem_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before teacher registration expiry dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.

STF_TeachReg_Exp_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting

STF_WWCcheck_ Exp_I_ReminderWeekdays

Used to determine the number of weekdays before working with children expiry dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.

STF_WWCcheck_Exp_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before student disability review dates to create Action Centre reminder messages.STU_DisabAdj_Rvw_Due_I_ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before the student entry date that the New student entering Action Centre reminder message is displayed.

STU_NewStudent_Rem_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before the student leaving date that the A student has been marked as leaving Action Centre reminder message is displayed.

STU_StudentLeaving_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting


Used to determine the number of weekdays before the visa expiry date that visa expiring Action Centre reminder messages are displayed.

Visa_Exp_I:ReminderWeekdays configuration setting

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