Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab

Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab

Use the Immunisation tab to maintain details of immunisations against common contagious diseases.
Immunisations can be either:

  • single immunisations vaccinating against a single disease
  • parent immunisations with several child immunisations.

Note: Single and parent immunisations are displayed in bold and child immunisations are displayed in italics.

 Opening the Immunisation tab

To open the Immunisation tab:

  1. Open the Medical tab from one of the following maintenance windows:
     Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Medical tab in the Current students manual.
    • Future Student Maintenance. See Future Student Maintenance - Medical tab in the Future students manual.
    • Past Student Maintenance. See Past Student Maintenance - Medical tab in the Past students manual.
    • Staff Maintenance. See Staff Maintenance - Medical tab in the Human resources manual.
  2. Click .
    The Summary tab of the Medical Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Immunisation tab.
    The Immunisation tab of the Medical Maintenance window is displayed.

Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab key fields and buttons




Immunisation Form Received

Select if your organisation's immunisation form has been returned for the community member.

Date Received

Date the immunisation form was received.

Form Status

Specify the status of the immunisation form. For example, indicate whether the form has been received, checked or processed.

The form status is maintained in the luImmunisationFormStatus lookup table. See luImmunisationFormStatus lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Immunisation Details

Type any other details about the person's immunisation.

Active Only

Select to only display active records in the grid area.

Note: Select other immunisations and specify the immunisation dates where appropriate.
Grid area fields




Whether the selected immunisation is currently active.


Type of immunisation. See the luMedicalImmunisationType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

You can create either:

Tip: You can define default immunisations by selecting the Default field on the luMedicalImmunisationType lookup table. See the luMedicalImmunisationType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

When entering a parent immunisation the child immunisations are added automatically underneath the parent immunisation.

Note: Synergetic will not allow you to delete child immunisations. You must delete the parent immunisation.

Administered Date

Date the immunisation was administered.

Administered By

Community member that administered the immunisation.

Vaccine Brand

Company providing the vaccination. See the luMedicalVaccineBrand lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Batch No

Batch number of the immunisation.

Immunity End Date

Date the immunisation protection expires.

Modified By

Community member that last modified the selected record.

Modified Date

Date the selected record was last modified.




Add a new immunisation record.

Delete the selected immunisation record.

To delete a child immunisation you must delete the parent immunisation. When you attempt to delete a child immunisation the following window is displayed:

Launch the Select Immunisations Received window to add immunisations in bulk. See Adding immunisations in bulk.

You can use the Medical Immunisation Bulk Entry window to add immunisations for groups of students. See Adding student immunisations in bulk.

Note: Default immunisations are automatically selected. See the luMedicalImmunisationType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

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