Recording medical incidents

Recording medical incidents

Sick bay staff members usually maintain incidents using the Incidents tab of Medical Maintenance. See Medical Maintenance - Incidents tab.
When a student enters the sick bay, create a new medical incident by clicking . This populates the Date and Time In fields with the current date and time. You can then fill out the rest of the details as you go. You can edit the date and time fields if you need to enter the details into Synergetic after the incident. For example, entering the details after coming back to the sick bay after treating the student in a classroom or on the playing field.

When the student leaves the sick bay, record the Time Out. You can either click to record the current time in the Time Out field, or type the time in manually.
It is important to record times in and out of the sick bay so that teachers and absence officers know exactly when the student was away from class. These times are displayed next to the student in Attendance Maintenance for classes impacted by the medical incident.

Sick bay visits also show up on the student's timetable in Current Student Maintenance.

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