Medical Maintenance - Incidents tab - School Notifications sub-tab

Medical Maintenance - Incidents tab - School Notifications sub-tab

Use the School Notifications sub-tab of the Incidents tab to list and maintain details of notifications to:

  • other staff members at your organisation
  • workers compensation, in the event that a staff member is injured while at work.

Note: Sick bay staff members usually maintain school notifications of incidents, based on the policy at your organisation.

 Opening the School Notifications sub-tab

To open the School Notifications sub-tab of the Incidents tab:

  1. Open the Medical tab from one of the following maintenance windows:
    • Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Medical tab in the Current students manual.
    • Future Student Maintenance. See Future Student Maintenance - Medical tab in the Future students manual.
    • Past Student Maintenance. See Past Student Maintenance - Medical tab in the Past students manual.
    • Staff Maintenance. See Staff Maintenance - Medical tab in the Human resources manual.
  2. Click .
    The Summary sub-tab of the Incidents tab of the Medical Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the School Notifications sub-tab.
    The School Notifications sub-tab of the Incidents tab of Medical Maintenance is displayed.

Medical Maintenance - Incidents tab - School Notifications sub-tab key fields and buttons




Phoned Head of House

Select if the Head of House has been phoned with details of the medical incident.
Summarise the phone conversation.

Emailed Head of House

Select if the Head of House has been emailed with details of the medical incident.
Specify the details of the correspondence.

You can copy text from the email and paste it into this field.

Mailed Head of House

Select if the Head of House has been mailed with details of the medical incident.
Specify the details of the correspondence.

Director of Students

Select if the Director of Students has been advised of the medical incident.
Specify the details of the advice.

Head of School

Select if the Head of School has been advised of the medical incident.
Specify the details of the advice.


Select if the Headmaster has been advised of the medical incident.
Specify the details of the advice.

Workcover Claim Submitted

Select if a workers compensation claim has been submitted for a staff member.
Specify the details of the workers compensation claim.

Grid area fields
All fields in the grid area are entered on the Summary sub-tab.




Date of the incident.


Type of incident.


Selected if a follow up is required on the Follow Up Date specified.


Initial diagnosis made at your organisation.


Details of where the person was sent from your organisation for further treatment and any medications used.

Follow Up

Follow up comments.

Follow Up Date

Date the follow up is scheduled for.

Modified Date

Date the incident was last modified.

Modified By

Synergetic user that last modified the incident.

Tip: When modifying an existing incident, first select the incident in the Incidents grid area. 

Grid area buttons



Add a new row in the Incidents grid area and then edit the incident details on each of the sub-tabs.

Delete the incident highlighted in the Incidents grid area.