Selecting a subject assessment for awards

To select a subject assessment for awards:

  1. Click Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Either:
    • Search for the appropriate subject assessment, if a subject assessment for awards already exists at your organisation. See Searching for subjects and assessment areas.
    • Click to create a new subject assessment, if there is no existing subject assessment for awards.
    Choose the relevant campus and enter a meaningful code and heading. For example, Assessment Code is AWD and Heading is Awards. See Creating new subject assessments.

    Tip: You should only create a new subject assessment if there are no existing subject assessments used for awards at your organisation. Alternatively your organisation may group different types of awards into different subject assessments. For example, sports awards and music awards may be maintained separately.
    The Subject Assessment Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. On the Summary sub-tab of the Summary tab of the Subject Assessment Maintenance window set the fields as follows:
    • Print Selectable for Result - True
    • Result Calculation Stored Proc - spuStudentResultsCalcAwardPoints

    The subject assessment is ready for award criteria.