04.06 Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab

04.06 Payroll Maintenance - Declarations tab

You can use the Declarations tab of Payroll Maintenance to maintain details for employee tax declarations.

With the release of STP2 the:

  • Payment Basis field has been renamed to Employment Basis
  • Employment Basis field has been updated with the following options:

    - added to the drop-down list:

         - Voluntary agreement
         - Death beneficiary
         - Non-employee.

    - removed from the drop-down list:

         - Pension/Annuity Payee.

  • Tax Scale field has been updated to:

    - support the new tax scales (e.g. RTXH)
    - automatically select the Tax Free Threshold and HELP/SSL or TSL Debt fields, if they are required for the selected tax scale.