04.05 Payroll Maintenance - Tax tab

04.05 Payroll Maintenance - Tax tab

You can use the Tax tab of Payroll Maintenance to maintain taxation details for payroll employees. See Payroll Maintenance - Tax tab.

With the release of STP-2:

  • PAYG summaries are no-longer considered official documents, so the following fields have been removed from the Tax tab of Payroll Maintenance:

    • ATO sent copy of PAYG Summary
    • PAYG Amended
    • Date.

    Note: You can still prepare PAYG summaries upon request. See Preparing PAYG payment summaries.

  • the Tax Treatment Code on the Tax tab of Payroll Maintenance to determine the rate of withholding applied to the selected payroll employee. This is a six character code derived from:

    • Tax Scale field (characters 1, 2, 3 and 5)
    • Medicare Levy Surcharge field (character 4)
    • Medicare Levy Reduction field (character 6).

  • the Payment Basis field has been renamed to the Employment Basis field. Additionally, the following options have been:

    • added to the drop-down list:

      - V - Voluntary agreement
      - D - Death beneficiary
      - N - Non-employee.

    • removed from the drop-down list:

      - S - Pension/Annuity Payee.