Results Maintenance - Assessment (legacy) window

You can use either the Assessment (legacy) or Assessment window to view or modify results for any student belonging to the assessment code of the class you are currently processing.

The Assessment
window has several advantages over the Assessment (legacy) window including keyboard-only entry, simultaneous marking with other staff members, faster operation and automatic saving. See Results Maintenance - Assessment window.

For example, if 07MATHSR, 07MATHSF and 07MATHSJ all have an assessment code of 07MATHS, you can assess all these classes at the same time.

 Opening the Assessment (legacy) window

To open the Assessment (legacy) window:

  1. Select Curriculum > Results Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Results Maintenance Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the class. See Searching for student results.
    The class grid is displayed.
  3. Click the launch link of the class you want to manage results for.
    The Single window of Results Maintenance is displayed.
  4. Click .
    The Assessment (legacy) window of Results Maintenance is displayed.

     Click the  control the information displayed on the window. See Filtering results on the Single, Class (legacy), Class and Assessment windows.

     Click the hyperlink at the top of the Student results window to launch Subject Assessment Area Maintenance. See Maintaining subject assessments.

Entering results

Tip: The Assessment (legacy) window loads more quickly if you turn off the topic and overall comments in the filter. See Filtering results on the Single, Class (legacy), Class and Assessment windows.

Note: Results maintenance now checks the Rprts Prntd and Athr Stppd fields under the Year Level area in File Semester Maintenance. This allows the user lock out results for a single year level without affecting other levels. See Student File Semester Maintenance - File Semester tab in the Synergetic Curriculum manual.

Note: If another staff member is already editing the results for that class, the results are locked and you cannot add or change any results. If results are locked, a message appears at the top of the Results Maintenance window.

You enter results for students by:

  • choosing the relevant grid cell
  • typing or selecting the result.

To move around the grid:

  • use the mouse and click in the required cell
  • press the Tab key to move to the cell immediately to the right

    Note: In some instances you need to tab more than once to bypass buttons, particularly on the Single window.
  • press the Shift and Tab keys at the same time to move to the preceding cell.

When the cursor is positioned in a cell, you can use the Alt + down arrow key to select a result and down arrow to cycle through the available options.

Note: SynWeb displays a confirmation window if you attempt to navigate away from the page and changes have not been saved. You must always click before you move to another screen to avoid losing your changes.

Use the Minutes until Autosave field at the bottom of the browser to check when you last saved your changes.

Results Maintenance - Assessment (legacy) window key fields, icons and buttons
Grid area fields




Name of each student in classes covered by the assessment area.


Class code.

In the following example, students from the two Accounting 12 classes (AC121 and AC122) are shown.

Assessment area

Each column contains results for each of the assessment areas for this class, recorded against each student.

The type of result and result group is indicated in the header field. For example, Grammar Test (Grade) (G2) indicates the Grammar Test uses a Grade result type (A to F) and belongs to the G2 result group.

Note: Organisations using the Victorian Curriculum framework can select the Did Not Participate (DNP) result when a student is unable to complete an assessment.

When this option is selected you must select a result classification to indicate why the student could not complete the assessment. See the Classification field below.

Note: The fields displayed depend on the filter settings. See Using the Results Maintenance filter.

Topic Comment

Comment for the assessment area.

Note: You can determine whether this field is displayed using the Topic Comments Used field on the Summary bar of Assessment Area Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Area Maintenance - Summary bar.


Date of the assessment.

Note: You can determine whether this field is displayed using the Results Dates Used field on the Summary bar of Assessment Area Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Area Maintenance - Summary bar.


Select the result classification, if enabled for the subject assessment.

Note: You can determine whether this field is displayed using the Show Result Classification field on the Summary bar of Assessment Area Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Area Maintenance - Summary bar.

The result classification is used in: 

  • Australian organisations to indicate students whose results are not comparable to other students in the class, such as students in a modified program 
  • New Zealand schools to withdraw students from an NCEA standard 
  • organisations using the Victorian Curriculum to indicate the reason why students given the Did Not Participate (DNP) result were unable to complete the selected assessment.

Note: You must enter a result classification when a student is given the Did Not Participate (DNP) result.


Overall Comment

Overall assessment comments for the selected student.

Note: You can determine whether this field is displayed using the Comments Used field on the Summary bar of Assessment Area Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Area Maintenance - Summary bar.

Note: The overall comment relates to the selected student.

Character, word and line restrictions for overall comments are defined in the luReportStyle lookup table. See luReportStyle lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

An error message is displayed if your comment length exceeds these restrictions.

Note: The lines for the comment are calculated as they will appear on the report, not as they appear in the browser.

Field icons



Generate and preview the student's report.

Enter the same result in this column for all students. This is useful for S/N style result types (satisfactory / non-satisfactory) where most students would receive an S. See Entering results in bulk.

Sort the grid based on criteria selected in the Sort by Columns window.

Select the order in which sort criteria are applied, and if this is in Ascending or Descending order.

Note: You can save the order of the students based on the entered criteria as a rank. Select Store rank into field and choose a field from the drop-down list that this rank information will be saved into.

Click to sort columns and apply a rank if selected.
Click to show the default method of sorting the columns, and to apply this default method.
See Sorting and ranking students in the Synergetic Assessments and reports manual for more information.

Select to edit the results calculation formula for this result.

View the statistics for this result.

Common buttons



View and maintain:

  • results for individual students
  • topic comments
  • overall comments.

See Results Maintenance - Single window.

View and maintain results for all students in the class. See Results Maintenance - Class (legacy) window.

View and maintain results for all students in the class simultaneously with other staff members. See Results Maintenance - Class window.

View or modify results for any student belonging to the assessment code of the class you are currently processing, if you have security access. See Results Maintenance - Assessment (legacy) window.

View or modify results for any student belonging to the assessment code of the class you are currently processing, if you have security access. See Results Maintenance - Assessment window.

Maintain the mark book assessment results for all students in the class. See Results Maintenance - Mark Book window.

Maintain the parent teacher interview request statuses for all students in the class. See Results Maintenance - PTI window.

Show results for other classes the student is taking. See Results Maintenance - History window.

Maintain defaults applied to individual students and classes. See Results Maintenance - Utilities window.

Add or remove fields from display on results pages. See Using the Results Maintenance filter.

Display the Results Maintenance Search window to select a different class.

Save all changes made to results.

Apply results calculations to a student or class.

Note: SynWeb automatically performs results calculations when you exit the class or change to a different tab.

Find or replace a word or phrase within the comment fields.

Spell check all fields.