Export Endorsed Programs Results (RSEND)

Selection criteria

This report only includes classes with:

Report values





Record type

Export file code.

Note: This value is always "RSEND".


Provider code

Provider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education.

Key configuration details


Endorsed Programs Code

Code allocated to the class by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the entire Board Studies Code entered on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
  • The values of the Board Studies Code field are defined using the luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table. See luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 12 characters.


Western Australian Student Number (WASN)

Candidate number allocated to the student by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Studies Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 15 characters.


Student Family Name

Surname of the student taking the class.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.


Student Given Name

Given name of the student taking the class.

Key configuration details
Mandatory (Unless the student only has a Surname)
  • This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.


Calendar Year

Calendar year.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Year field on the WA SCSA tab of Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
  • This value has the format YYYY.


Academic year

Academic year.

Key configuration details

Note: SCSA requires this value to be either 10, 11 or 12. This is not enforced in Synergetic, so you must check the export file to ensure no students prior to Year 10 are included.




Key configuration details



Result for the subject assessment area linked to the class.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the subject assessment area entered into the Assessment Code field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 5 characters.


Staff Surname

Surname of the staff member teaching the class.

Key configuration details
Mandatory (When Given name or registration number is specified)
  • This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
  • This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.


Staff Given Name

Given name of the staff member teaching the class.

Key configuration details
Mandatory (When Family name or registration number is specified)
  • This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
  • This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.


Staff Registration Number

Registration number issued by the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA).

Key configuration details
Mandatory (AU)
Optional (Overseas schools)
  • This value is defined using the Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance. See Staff Maintenance - School tab.
  • Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance is populated with:
    • the Staff Maintenance > Check tab row that has:
      • a Synergy Meaning of Registration
      • the latest end date
      • or if there are 2 or more records with the same end date the last entered record.
  • This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.


Class identification

Class code.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Class code defined for the class using Class Maintenance.


Qualification code

Leave this field blank.

Note: Synergetic does not store ADWPL for classes and thus cannot enforce the SCSA rules for this field.