Export RSLAS file (RSLAS)

Export RSLAS file (RSLAS)

Report values

ARecord Type

Export file code.

Note: This value is always "RSLAS".

BWA Student Number (WASN)

Student number issued by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA).

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Studies Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
CGiven Name

Given name of the student.

Key configuration details

Note: Title case is recommended for this field value.


Family Name

Surname of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: Title case is recommended for this field value.


Calendar Year

Calendar year.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Year field on the WA SCSA tab of Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
  • This value has the format YYYY.

Academic Year

Must be the academic year registered at school.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Year Level field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
  • The values of the Year Level field are defined using the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 2 characters.
  • This value can be either:

    - PP
    - 01 to 10.

Provider Code

Provider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education.
Key configuration details


Key configuration details
  • This value is:

    - 1 or 2 for classes without a matching class code in the next semester

    Note: These values are defined using the actual semester value populated into the Actual Sem field on the File Semester tab of File Semester Maintenance. See Student File Semester Maintenance - File Semester tab.

    - 3 for classes that have a matching class code in the next semester.

    Note: When a class has a matching class code in the next semester it is considered a full-year class. You can make a class a full-year class by populating its class code into the Next Term Class field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.

Curriculum Academic Year

Year level of the student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Normal Year Level field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab
  • The values of the Year Level field are defined using the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 2 characters.
  • This value can be either:

    - PP
    - 01-10.

  • If Normal Year Level is not assignable to Curriculum Academic Year then Registered Academic Year is used.

Curriculum Area Code

Code allocated to the class by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Context code of each SCSA learning area.
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. See the configuration details below.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report curriculum area code values for each student result by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

  • This value has a maximum field length of 10 characters.

 View configuration details

You can complete the following configuration steps to:

  • load the CCWA curriculum framework into Synergetic
  • configure result types for reporting the Grade and Grade Descriptor Code values
  • link CCWA learning areas to subject assessments.

Loading the CCWA Curriculum framework

First, we need to load the CCWA curriculum framework to import the learning area data that will be linked to the subject assessment areas. 

Note: You may have already loaded the CCWA curriculum framework.

To load the CCWA Curriculum framework:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance.
    The Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Load/Add Curriculum Framework window is displayed.
  3. Select CCWA using the Framework drop-down list.
  4. Click .
    The framework is populated.

Configuring the result types using the luReportResultType lookup table

Next, we need to configure result types to define the Grade (column K) and Grade Descriptor Code (column L) values. Result types are configured using the luReportResultType lookup table. See luReportResultType lookup table.

The Grade is the letter and the Grade Descriptor Code is the descriptor of each Grade|Descriptor pair (e.g. A|Excellent) in the Mask field of the luReportResultType lookup table. Synergetic has pre-configured the following rows:

You can use the:

  • RSLAS P result type to report grades for pre-prep students
  • RSLAS1-10 result type to report grades for Year 1 to 10 students.

Tip: Grades are optional for Years 1-2. If you do not want to report grades for these year levels, you can create an additional row with the values shown below.

RSLAS 1-2SCSA RSLAS DescriptorRSLAS Desc 1-2Blank,Excellent,High,Satisfactory,Limited,Very LowCCWARSLAS1-10

Linking CCWA learning areas to subject assessments

Lastly, we need to link the subject assessment areas of each subject assessment to CCWA curriculum framework learning contexts. Once subject assessment areas are linked, the Context value is stored and can be reported for each student result by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance.

To link CCWA learning areas to a subject assessment:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Area Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Click .
  3. Select the subject assessment using the Subject Assessment Selector.
  4. Select the subject assessment area to be linked using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: If necessary, you can create a new subject assessment area by right-clicking in the grid area and selecting New... from the displayed menu.

  5. Click the Area tab.
  6. Select the correct result type using the Result Type drop-down list:

    The following default options are available:

    - Pre-Prep: RSLAS P (default)
    - Years 1 to 2: RSLAS 1-10 (default) or custom row (Configuring the result types using the luReportResultType lookup table above)
    - Years 3 to 10: RSLAS 1-10 (default).

  7. Click next to the External Link field.
    The WA SCSA P-10 Curriculum Search window is displayed.
  8. Select the required curriculum context. In this example, Materials and Technologies specialisations.
  9. Click .
  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the remaining subject assessment areas.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for the remaining subject assessments.

    Note: You can mark classes in Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.


Grade used to describe the level of student achievement.
Key configuration details

Grade and Grade Descriptor Overview

Student achievement is reported on a five-point scale for all years from Pre-primary to Year 10.  

There are two components:

  • Grade
  • Grade Descriptor Code (see column L below)

There are three bands within the P - 10 Year range of the RSLAS file:

  • Pre-primary year
  • Years 1-2
  • Years 3-10

Each with different rules. For:

  • Pre-primary it is reported using Grade Descriptor Codes (mandatory).
  • Years 1-2 it is reported using Grades (optional) and Grade Descriptor Codes (mandatory).
  • Years 3-10 it is reported using both Grades (mandatory) and Grade Descriptor Codes (mandatory).


  • This field value is defined using the Grade value of the Mask field of the luReportResultType lookup table.
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. For information about configuring the Grade value, see the description for the Curriculum Area Code value above.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report grades by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

  • This value is:

    - Not required for Pre-Prep
    - Optional for years 1 to 2
    - Mandatory for years 3 to 10.

  • This value has a maximum field length of 1 character.
  • This value can be A, B, C, D or E.

Grade Descriptor Code

Description of the grade used to describe the level of student achievement.
Key configuration details
  • This field value is defined using the Descriptor value of the Mask field of the luReportResultType lookup table.
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. For information about configuring the Grade Descriptor Code value, see the description for the Curriculum Area Code value above.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report grade descriptor codes by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

  • This value has a maximum field length of 50 characters.
  • This value can be:

    - Excellent
    - High
    - Satisfactory
    - Limited
    - Very Low.

    Note: The Grade Descriptor Code value can be one of the five SCSA defined descriptors listed above or a school defined descriptor approved by the SCSA.

Modified Curriculum Code

Code for the curriculum modification implemented to cater for the individual learning needs of the student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Modified Curriculum field on the Students tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 2 characters.
  • This value can be either:

    - AB - Abilities Based Learning and Education, WA
    - EA - English as an Additional Language/Dialect
    - GT - Gifted and talented
    - IP - Individual Education Plan/Documented Learning Plan.

Note: You can maintain curriculum modifications using the luStudentClassModifiedCurriculum lookup table. See luStudentClassModifiedCurriculum lookup table.

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