Adding confirmations (Current students)

Adding confirmations (Current students)

To add a confirmation:

  1. Open the Open Confirmation Periods sub-tab. See Current Student Maintenance - Confirm Details tab - Open Confirmation Periods sub-tab.
    The Open Confirmation Periods sub-tab of the Confirm Details tab of Current Student Maintenance is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Manual Confirmation window is displayed.
  3. Select the groups on the My Details tab to be confirmed. You can select:

    • Personal
    • Medical
    • ImmAndHC
    • Abilities
    • Legal
    • Census
    • Address
    • Occupation.

    Note: You can only confirm groups that are relevant to the student or student contact. For information about configuring groups for confirmation periods, see the luConfirmationOfDetailDates lookup table.

  4. Select the community member confirming the groups using the Confirmed By drop-down list.
  5. Select the confirmation date using the Confirmed Date drop-down list.
  6. Type the reason for manual confirmation into the Reason for manual entry field.
  7. Click .
    The Confirm window is displayed.

  8. Click .

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