Print Payroll Cheques window

Print Payroll Cheques window

Use the Print Payroll Cheques window to print pay cheques for the current pay.

Note: Ensure that your cheque stationery is loaded in the printer before proceeding to print cheques.

Print Payroll Cheques window key fields and buttons




Select an option in this field to determine the action performed using the Print Payroll Cheques window. You can:

Print Cheque Register OnlySelect to only print the cheque register not the reports.

Starting Cheque Number

If required, override the starting cheque number.

Cheque Date

If required, override the date to appear on the cheques.

Print 2nd Copy of Cheques to blank paper

You can print a second copy of cheques on plain paper.

Synergetic will stop and let you know when the copy is about to print so that you can remove the cheque stationery and put plain paper in the printer.

R/A Comment

Comment to be printed on the remittance advice.

Ending Cheque Number

Used in conjunction with the Starting Cheque Number to allocate the numbers in Synergetic.




Preview the cheque layout in Crystal Reports.