Stock Summary - Sales Analysis tab

Stock Summary - Sales Analysis tab

Use the Sales Analysis tab to view detailed information about the sales, pricing and profit per month. You can filter the results to show:

  • overall sales at your organisation
  • sales for a particular date range
  • sales for a particular business unit
  • sales for a category of item
  • sales for a particular item
  • sales of consignment or non-consignment stock.

 Opening the Sales Analysis tab

To open the Sales Analysis tab:

  1. Select Sales > Stock Summary from the Synergetic main menu.
    Tip: You can also access the Sales functions by clicking .
    The Low Stock tab of the Stock Summary window is displayed.
  2. Click Sales Analysis.
    The Sales Analysis tab is displayed.

Stock Summary - Sales Analysis tab key fields and buttons

Filter area fields



Sales By Month and...

Select the criteria that you want to analyse by month. Your selection determines which filter areas and grid fields are displayed.

Show Date Range From / To

Select the first and last dates of the period that you want to analyse sales for.

Tip: To analyse all sales up to the present, deselect the To field. To analyse all past sales, deselect the From field.

Business Unit Filter

Select either:

  • Show All to display items for all business units
  • a business unit from the drop-down list to display items for the selected business unit.

Category Filter

Select either:

  • Show all to display all item categories
  • an item category from the drop-down list to analyse sales only for this category.

Note: Item categories are listed in the luItemCategory lookup table and are set on the Item tab of Item Maintenance. See Item Maintenance - Item tab.

Item Filter

Select either:

  • Show All to analyse sales for all items
  • an item to analyse sales for the selected item.

Consignment Filter

Select either:

  • Non-Consignment to analyse sales for non-consignment stock only
  • Consignment to analyse sales for consignment stock only
  • All to analyse sales for all stock.

Include Tax in Prices and Sales Figures

Select to include tax amounts in the sales analysis figures.

Include Non-Stock Items (e.g. Rounding)

Select to include non-stock items.

Grid fields

Note: Depending on your filter selections some of the following fields may not be displayed.




Month that the sales took place in.

Item Code

Code for the item.

Item Description

Description of the item.


Item category.

Total Quantity

Total quantity of the item sold.

Total Sales

Total price for the quantity of the item sold.

Total Costs

Total cost for the quantity of the item sold.

Total Profit

Total profit made from the sale of the item.

Average Price

Average price that the item was sold for.

Average Cost

Average cost of the item.


Percentage markup on the item on average.

Gross Margin

Difference between selling price and cost as a percentage of the selling cost.




Apply the criteria selected in the Filters area to refresh the results displayed in the grid area.