Closing off sales

Closing off sales

You close off sales to:

  • reconcile the cash, EFT, cheques and credit card takings against what is expected
  • create debtor charges for sales that have not been charged for
  • transfer general ledger amounts to the correct accounts.

Close off types are used to process groups of payment methods. For information on close off types, see Understanding close off types.
Each of the reconciliation windows are displayed in turn, depending on how the Payment Methods sub-tab is configured on the Finance Configuration Maintenance window at your organisation. See:

Separate postings are created for debtor and general ledger sales. See Sales Close Off - Post window.

Debtor splits

When the sales are closed off:

  • any debtor charges are made to the debtor accounts for the full amount of the corresponding sale
  • receipt records are generated for the portion already paid.

For example, if a $100 purchase is paid for with $30 cash and $70 on the debtor account, then the debtor account would receive a charge for $100 and a receipt for -$30 (which is allocated against the charge) thereby leaving $70 still owing on the charge.
Also, each sale that contains a debtor split is raised as a separate charge. For example, four split sales for one customer would result in four charges posted to the debtor's account.

How to:

What you can do:

What you can do…


You can:

  • select the business unit and close off type
  • reprint postings
  • delete postings.

Sales Close Off - Close Off Type window

Close off individual payments for either a:

  • debtor
  • general ledger account.

Sales Close Off - Individual window

Select the:

  • fee code for debtor charges
  • posting details
  • bank account used to bank the proceeds.

Sales Close Off - Post window

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