Key sales reports

Key sales reports

There are a number of standard reports available to you to help you manage your sales. See the folder of Crystal Reports supplied to your organisation.
To access these reports, select Module > Sales > Sales Crystal Reports Available. You can browse or search through reports:

  • previously marked as 'favourites'
  • from a specific module
  • from all modules.

You can search for reports based on the report:

  • description
  • code.

See Running reports in the Introduction manual for general information on how to run reports in Synergetic.

Description of key reports



Sales Docket

Crystal Report output at the end of a sale, if configured at your organisation. This report may have been tailored for your needs.

Alternatively, your organisation may print the Sales Docket directly to the printer port.

Consignment Stock Items

Report on sales of consignment stock items by business unit.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Consignment Stock Items selection window.

In the following example, the report includes consignment stock items with a status of Sold.

Item Barcode Labels

Print out barcode labels for the selected stock items. These are stuck onto items when they are received so that when the operator is selling them, they can scan the barcode which speeds up the sales process.
Use the selections to print the required label. For example, if you receive ten new shirts with the same item code:

  • select the Item Code from the drop-down list
  • type 10 in the Number of Labels field.

    In the following example, the report includes all stock items, with 1 label printed for each item.

    Note: The report format of the sample has been adjusted to fit.
    The report prints onto labels that conform to the Avery L7158 standard.

    The 3 of 9 Barcode true type font needs to be installed onto your PC before you can print this report.

Item Sales

Report on sales by business unit and item
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Item Sales selection window.

In the following example, the report includes all sales for the year.

Stock Re-Order Form

Report on items by business unit, where their stock on hand has fallen below the Re-order Stock Level set in Item Maintenance. See Item Maintenance - Stock tab.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Stock Re-Order Form selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections.

Item Stock

Report the amount of stock on hand for items that are sold by the selected business unit. Also see Item Stock Levels as at Date below.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Item Stock selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections.

Item Stock Levels as at Date

Report the stock levels at a given date for items that are sold by the selected business unit.
Select the business unit and date on the Item Stock Levels as at Date selection window, along with any optional selections. You can group by item category.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections for today's date.

Stock Price Listing

Report the cost details, sale price and gross margin for items that are sold by the selected business unit.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Stock Price Listing selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections.

Sales Audit Trail - By Special Item Lookup

Report sale details and summaries for the selected business unit to allow the sales to be audited.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Sales Audit Trail - By Special Item Lookup selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections of the default business unit and today's sales.

Sales Report

Report sale details and summaries by general ledger code and date, for the selected business unit.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Sales Report selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections of the default business unit and today's sales.

Sales Summary

Report on the overall sales by payment method for the selected business unit.
Select the business unit and optional selections on the Sales Summary selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections of the default business unit and today's sales.

Department Sales Summary

Summarise general ledger ("own use") sales by department and period.
Select the business unit, report details and period, along with any optional selections on the Department Sales Summary selection window.

In the following example, the report is output using the standard selections of the default business unit and today's sales.

Refer to the example in Processing a general ledger or "own use" sale for details of how to perform a general ledger sale.

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