Sales Close Off - Individual window

Use the Sales Close Off - Individual window to close off individual payments for either a:

  • debtor
  • general ledger account.

No reconciliation or cash receipts are generated.

 Opening the Sales Close Off - Individual window

To open the Sales Close Off - Individual window:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Sales Close Off from the main menu.
    The Sales Close Off - Close Off Type window is displayed.
  2. Select the Business Unit.
  3. Select the Workstation if you only want to close off sales for one workstation.

     If this field is left blank, then all workstations are processed for the selected business unit.

  4. Select the Close Off Type to process.
  5. Click .
    The Sales Close Off - Individual window is displayed.
  6. Either:

    • select a Payment Method to Process
    • leave thePayment Method to Process field blank to process all payment methods.

  7. Clear the Process Student/Debtor Sales field if you do not want to process student or debtor sales.
  8. Clear the Process General Ledger Sales field if you do not want to process general ledger sales.
  9. If you want to only process a specific:

    • student, type their Synergetic ID in the Individual Student ID to Process
    • debtor, type their Synergetic ID into the Individual Debtor ID to Process
    • general ledger code, select it from the drop-down list.

     Click  to search for students or debtors if you do not know their Synergetic ID.

  10. Click .
    The Sales Close Off - Post window is displayed.
  11. Update the posting details and click .
    The sales are closed and posted, and the following reports may be output from Synergetic:

    • Debtor Sale Charges report of charges to individual debtors or general debtor accounts (cash, cheque, EFT and credit card)
    • General Ledger Sale Charge report of general ledger journals created for internal sales
    • Cash Receipts - Closed Off report which includes receipts (cash, cheque and EFT)
    • Bank Deposit report to accompany any cash and cheques to the bank
    • Close Off Reconciliation summary report
    • Cost of sales report.

    The following window is displayed if the business unit is configured to generate invoices.
  12. Click .
    The invoices are printed for the current posting and the following message is displayed.
  13. Click .

Sales Close Off - Individual window key fields and buttons




Payment Method to Process

Select the payment method to close off for the individual, from the drop-down list.

Close off types are maintained by business unit in Synergetic Financial Configuration - Business Units - Sale Payments sub-tab in the System maintenance manual.

Process Student/Debtor Sales

Select this field to close off sales that have been charged to debtor accounts.

Individual Student ID to Process


  • type in the student's Synergetic ID if known
  • click to search for the student.

Individual Debtor ID to Process


  • type in the debtor's Synergetic ID if known
  • click to search for the debtor.

Process General Ledger Sales

Select this field to close off sales to general ledger accounts.

Individual G/L Code to Process

Select the general ledger account to close off, from the drop-down list.




(Student ID)

Search for the student using the Student Search window.

(Debtor ID)

Search for the debtor using the Debtor Search window.

Navigate back to the Sales Close Off - Close Off Type window. See Sales Close Off - Close Off Type window.

Navigate to the Sales Close Off - Post window. See Sales Close Off - Post window.