Item Maintenance - Item tab

Item Maintenance - Item tab

Use the Item tab to maintain:

  • key item details
  • unit of measure settings.

 Opening the Item tab

To open the Item tab:

  1. Select Module > Sales > Item Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Item Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the Sales functions by clicking .
  2. Select the item. See Searching for items.
    The Item tab of the Item Maintenance window is displayed.

Item Maintenance - Item tab key fields

Item Details area fields




Description for the item.

Note: This field is mandatory.

Item Lookup

Determines the order that items are listed in the search grid, and can be used to search for items.

Defaults to the value of the Description field but can be changed. For example, you may want to list items in a size order, by putting the size at the start of the lookup.

Note: This field is mandatory.


Group used to categorise this item.

For example, Uniform or Books can be set up as categories to group similar items together.


Used for barcoding applications involving stock items.

If left blank, this defaults to the item code.

For example, books that are stocked and sold at your organisation can be integrated with POS (point of sale) equipment, using barcodes to speed up the sales entry process.


Size of the stock item, if required.

For example, items of uniform are available in different sizes.

Consignment Item

Select if the item is a consignment stock item.

The supplier owns consignment stock until you sell it on their behalf.

For example, second-hand uniforms and books can be on consignment. When you sell the items, you remit money to the person selling the items, less a commission for handling.

Note: If Consignment Item is selected, the Stock at Business Units tab is replaced by the Payments tab, and you can only receive one unit of stock which must be at no cost. See Item Maintenance - Payment tab.

Stocked Item

Clear if the item is not a stocked item.

For example, your organisation may provide services or goods that you order in on behalf of students, such as musical instruments.

Note: Items that are not stocked can be sold, but do not have Stock On Hand tracked.

Allow Decimal Places in Quantities

Select to enable support for decimals in all quantity fields for the selected item.



Enforce Manual Description when Sold

Select if you need a description to be entered when the item is sold.

For example, you can use this for service items. The service item might have Time Onsite as its default description. However, you want a specific description of what has actually been done. To do this, you select this field to force the user to enter the description of the task performed.

Allow Label to be Printed

Allows you to print a barcode label for items that do not have a barcode yet.

This is used by the label report.

Units of Measurement area fields



When Sold

Unit of measure of the stock item when sold.

For example, unit of measure can be EA (each).

When Supplied

Unit of measure of the stock item when purchased or received on consignment.

For example, unit of measure may be BX10 (Box of 10). A uniform item may be purchased in boxes of 10 then sold as EA (each).

Allow Decimal Places in Quantities

Select to enable support for decimals in all quantity fields for the selected item. The following window is displayed:

Units Supplied to Stock

Number of units that were delivered into stock. For example, receiving one box of pencils supplies 25 units (individual pencils) to stock.

Note: If this field is a value other than one, stock receipts and purchase orders are multiples of this field. For example, if you order 5 boxes of pencils, the purchase order lists 125 individual pencils.

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