Stock Summary - Stock Movement tab

Use the Stock Movement tab to view the movement of a selected item by:

  • month, including the current month to date and the current month from the previous year
  • orders created for the item
  • receipts, stocktakes and stock adjustments of the item
  • sales transactions that included the item
  • all stock movements by date.


 Opening the Stock Movement tab

To open the Stock Movement tab:

  1. Select Sales > Stock Summary from the Synergetic main menu.
    Tip: You can also access the Sales functions by clicking .
    The Low Stock tab of the Stock Summary window is displayed.
  2. Click Stock Movement.
    The Stock Movement tab is displayed.

Stock Summary - Stock Movement tab key fields and buttons

Filter area fields



Business Unit Filter

Select either:

  • Show All to display items for all business units
  • a business unit from the drop-down list to display items for the selected business unit.

Start Date

Earliest date shown in the grid entries.



  • Completed to show completed orders
  • Uncompleted to show uncompleted orders.



  • Charged to show charged sales
  • Uncharged to show uncharged sales.

Grid fields
Note: You can right click on a grid to enable grid enhancements.




Description of the item.

Item Code

Code for the item.

Stock On Hand

Stock present at your organisation for the item.

By Month sub-tab grid area fields




Description of the period for the grid area entry.


Month of the stock movement.

Ordered / Supplied / Sold

Quantity and amount in dollars of the stock item that was ordered/supplied/sold in the month.

Avg Cost Per Unit Sold

The average cost of the stock item per unit sold for the month period.

Profit Amount

Amount of profit made from the item in the month period.

Profit Markup

Value of markup on the item.

Profit Gross Margin

Markup as a percentage of the item cost.

By Order sub-tab grid area fields



Business Unit

Name of the business unit.

Order No.

Number for the purchase order.


Supplier for the item.

Date Ordered

Date that the order was placed.

Date Required

Date that the stock was listed as required.

Date Delivered

Date that the stock was delivered.

Quantity Ordered

Quantity of stock ordered.

Quantity Supplied

Quantity of stock supplied.

Sale Price Current

Current sale price for the item.

Sale Price Projected

Projected sale price for the item, based on change in cost.

Invoice No.

Invoice number for the order.

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice.

By Receipt sub-tab grid area fields



Business Unit

Name of the business unit.

Order No

Number for the purchase order.


Supplier for the item.


Date of the receipt.

Quantity Supplied

Quantity of stock supplied.

Unit Cost

Unit cost for the purchased item, excluding tax.

Extended Cost

Extended cost of the goods supplied, calculated by multiplying the quantity supplied and the unit cost.

By Sales Transaction sub-tab grid area fields



Sale Date

Date of the sale.

Business Unit

Business unit where the sale took place.

Sale Seq

Unique identifying number for the sale.


Quantity of the item sold.

Unit Price

Unit cost for the purchased stock, excluding tax.

Extended Price

Unit cost for the purchased stock, including tax.

Cost of Goods Sold

Extended cost of the goods supplied, calculated by multiplying the quantity supplied and the unit cost.

Profit Amount

Amount of profit made from the sales transaction.

Profit Markup

Value of markup on the item.

Profit Gross Margin

Markup as a percentage of the item's cost.

Customer Name

Name of the customer for the transaction.


If selected, customer has been charged for this item.

By All sub-tab grid area fields



Date / Time

Date and time of the transaction.

Business Unit

Business unit where the transaction took place.


Description of the transaction.

Quantity Change

Change in quantity of stock on hand.

Stock On Hand

Amount of stock.




Launch Item Maintenance for the selected grid entry.

Launch Creditor Maintenance for the supplier of the item.

Launch Purchase Order Maintenance for the grid entry.

Launch Community Maintenance for the selected customer.

Launch the Stock Transfer window to transfer a number of the selected item to another business unit at your organisation.