Stock Summary window

Use the Stock Summary window to view details about stock held by your organisation.

What you can do:

What you can do…


View details about items with low stock.

Stock Summary - Low Stock tab

View details about creditors who have supplied items in the past, including:

  • 'normal' suppliers for an item
  • previous purchase orders for an item
  • the most recent purchase order made to a supplier.

View the movement of a selected item by:

  • month
  • order
  • receipt
  • sales transaction
  • all of the above.

View details of purchase orders for selected stock items.

View detailed information about sales, pricing and profit margins for:

  • a date range
  • a business unit
  • an item category
  • a particular item.

View information about purchases for:

  • a date range
  • a business unit
  • an item category
  • a particular item.