Stock Summary - Purchase Orders tab

Use Purchase Orders tab to view details of purchase orders for items. You can filter the purchase orders displayed by status.

 Opening the Purchase Orders tab

To open the Purchase Orders tab:

  1. Select Sales > Stock Summary from the Synergetic main menu.
    Tip: You can also access the Sales functions by clicking .
    The Low Stock tab of the Stock Summary window is displayed.
  2. Click Purchase Orders.
    The Purchase Orders tab is displayed.

Stock Summary - Purchase Orders tab key fields and buttons

Filter areas



Business Unit Filter

Select either:

  • Show All to display items for all business units
  • a business unit from the drop-down list to display items for the selected business unit.

Item Filter

Select either:

  • Show All to display purchase orders for all items
  • an item to display purchase orders that include the selected item.



  • On Order to display purchase orders that have been authorised but not yet filled
  • Partially Filled to display purchase orders that have had some items delivers
  • Completed to display purchase orders that have been completed
  • Cancelled to display purchase orders that have been cancelled.

Also show Purchase Orders with no line items

Select to also display purchase orders that have no items entered.

Purchase Orders grid fields



Order No.

Number for the purchase order.

Business Unit

Business unit that the purchase order is for.


Supplier that the purchase order was sent to.


Date of the purchase order.


Type of the purchase order.


Number of lines on the purchase order.

Details grid fields



Line No.

Line number.


Description for the item ordered.

Item Code

Code for the item ordered.

Supplier Item Code

Code used by the supplier for the item ordered, if known.

Ordered Quantity

Quantity of the item ordered.

Ordered Unit Cost

Cost per unit ordered.

Supplied Quantity

Quantity of the item supplied.

Supplied Unit Cost

Cost per unit supplied.


Status of the purchase order.

Invoice No.

Invoice number of the purchase order.

Delivery Docket No.

Docket number of the purchase order delivery.

Delivery Date

Date of the purchase order delivery.




Launch Item Maintenance for the selected grid entry.

Launch Creditor Maintenance for the supplier of the item.

Launch Purchase Order Maintenance for the grid entry.